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Exploring which has a great offer Oct 10, 2016

on Sat, 10/08/2016 - 21:13

Lots of inspiring ideas on this website about The Dream Builder Program with Mary Morrissey. The cost is just under $500 for a twelve-part downloadable hourlong programs. There's also a few day event you get to bring a supportive friend to with you included plus some bonuses. Mary has a great deal of experience and a soothing, intelligent voice and presence. She had guests on since noon EST on Saturday, October 8th. The overview of her program is helpful so hope you can tune in. 

Whatever you are doing, consider the idea of having "partners in believing" and reflecting on your goals and dreams with you. A lot of great things happen when supportive people are in your life, maybe helping 'review and rewire anything in your life that needs to be clarified and given some new insights."

There are also some live coaching sessions for some to be helped and others to learn from as they can. There is also a Facebook page. Hope I didn't overdo my little intro and count yourself luck if you get to hear the info or sign up. This is not endorsed by their company and I am not being compensated in any way.

I wanted to attend but haven't figured out how that might happen  yet, though I thought through options to have coverage for my work, someone to stay with and ways to afford it. I need to review to set a budget so I know how much I want to spend on programs in advance and realize I need to plan for other kinds of expenses. 

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