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Spreading the words to help put down the swords of despair, illness, dis-ease

on Fri, 10/07/2016 - 19:28

My posts on let people know of alternative healing modalities such as on the current and and

There is also in terms of 'what can help someone one minute to the give them hope and help them relax if not get a healing On Some Level--emotional, spiritual, mental or physical (or all kinds).

Why don't we let kids learn about this early in life along with their faith options...that there are many ways people have sought calm, balance, forgiveness and healing and health for eons.

Not all are linked to honoring one spiritual entity, some involve learning to sense what one is feeling, what one wanted to do as a child, what made one happy in terms of interests and friends when unencumbered...and some delve into when one had a crisis in terms of an injury or upset with family or friends.

That can plant a seed of dis-ease..then there are the repercussions. Allowing an awareness, maybe naming that and asking a kind of peace and forgiveness to come alongside (with one's guides or divine help, etc or simply allowing) can then bridge the pathway to a shift.and allowing new positive feelings and ideas and actions, and relationships to form over time.

So that's the jist of some of these and a quick word now and then that 'we tend to keep asking people who don't have the answers, and may not even want to have the answers, to help us..' because that's how we are programmed, as are they.

We seem to be in a big kind of play, reading lines and not allowing ourselves to re-script the setting, characters and dialogue. So I am hoping to encourage more folks to try some of thatn and move gently with support from new friends if need be toward a larger scope of easy-does-it viewing of what needs healing and how to go about that... one day at a time to borrow the pacing of many programs...

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