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The Big News of the First Debate: Hillary Trumping Trump with Measured Intelligence and Depth of Experience

on Tue, 09/27/2016 - 02:45

 When the debates began, Hillary stated there was a critical choice to make between the two of them who offer different ideas about how to address problems. Clearly there are different approaches as well in language and comprehension of issues. Hillary speaks very intelligently and clearly.

Trump, not so much. He uses his masculine traits of standing tall and using short answers such as "bring Law and Order' to inner cities (repeating the phrase at least 3 but more like 5 to 7 times, without details. Donald was respectful to the point in the first hour by referring her to as Secretary Clinton.

That should speak volumes to her competency and experience in a key governmental role. In addition she has already been in The White House as First Lady. Those are amazing credentials. Trump is now saying that the Hillary Clinton does not have 'the stamina' to negotiate with other countries.

She has travelled to 112 countries, and done amazing negotiations on critical issues. Trump is sweeping that under the rug by saying she has 'bad experience.' The crowds woo and hoot, but Hillary is saying Trump has called women 'pigs, dogs and slobs' and that 'pregnancy is an inconvenience for working.' He called a beauty contestant "Miss Piggy," according to Hillary. Donald is saying he is not deserving of those negative comments.

"Are you willing to accept the outcome as the will of the democracy?" is the question now asked. Donald may be planting doubts, Hillary has asserted. She hopes all people will vote to determine their future. Donald is saying we need to be tough on policies that are not working. He did say if Hillary wins he would 'absolutely support her."

That to me sounded like a cue to rest assured that he would be okay with her winning. Maybe he meant to say 'whoever loses should be ready to give honest support to the other." Maybe he was seeking to plant the seed that she should support his if he were to win.

The key point about nuclear weapons was raised, with Hillary indicating Donald has been too brash in reacting to smaller problems and advocating that someone pay a high price for violating boundaries. Likely lots more online and being discussed, and so to be continued. Thanks for tuning in and learning about the issues. Hillary is the way to go, though Donald has gained enough support to confuse the situation at let's try to keep focused on voting her in on November 8th by being prepared and getting others geared up To Vote (and get absentee ballots in early after learning of the process which can entail a few steps and maling it in.)

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