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Anyone Else Try Designrr Programming (or check and Sigil) to make E-books from Blog Posts? I have taken the jump and I'll let you know how I land--this Should be Very Interesting...

on Thu, 09/01/2016 - 04:26

I'll let you  in on a little secret before I fall asleep at midnight, way past my 9:30 hoped-for bedtime. I listen to a few talks online about to talk computer lingo, learn about 'driving traffic to my site', creating funnels and getting more views of my posts and so on. I don't actually Do anything after watching these fellows scribble on whiteboards about how if you start here and do a few hops and take Action Steps you land There, right near the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!

Well, somehow after learning some basics about the set-up of a site giving Free Info then setting up an Opt-In box to get More (Free) info and  maybe an offer to purchase more info or sessions, I thought, "I Could do that." Before I thought about HOW, guess what? This "Guess What?" is something an adorable Theodora child asked me the other day five times like I would do with my kids when keeping them interested or guessing where I was going with some story or about to give them some savory information), More Folks were sending me info on how to do Just That or something in the Ball Park.

Now since it's College Season and people are pouring out gazillions to educate the next generation, I thought "I am worth investing in and so are ALL OF YOU." If I want to 'reach out and touch someone' as the phone company adds used to sing on TV, then I have to have ways to do that.

The turtle and the rabbit having a race with one going very, very slowly and the other speedily (although almost Too Late) are reminders that I need to Pace Myself. And wouldn't it be grand to do things speedily and in a timely fashion instead of so slowly it's practically "Never" (like that comic book famously capitalized on for a meeting time and 'would that work for you' as a follow up to highlight that one need not lose one's cool when telling someone off or cutting someone off. But back to actually Trying to CONNECT with Other People out in cyberworld....there are some basic Tools of the Trade.

Designrr is a one such offer and came with some free teaching videos (and we all know what one May pay for education, especially learning something useful and potentially lucrative. Okay so I am writing This in part to remind Myself as well as inspire others to give it a whirl when it comes to pursuing a hobby and making some reasonable investments (we're talking 20s-50s and 100s not thousands if one is basically not rolling in the dough.

Doing a budget such as with as in Planning how you want to spend, share or invest your money is also on my to-do list and maybe on yours now since I used the universal you. Thanks for sharing the journey a bit (or bit-coin if you know that term) at a time. Maybe look up Berkshares and even for ideas of some rolling good times in the Fall of 2016 in Great Barrington MA and its surrounds.

I am looking forward to the Jennifer McLean series which is endless and I know I'm being marketed to, but so far most has been very helpful. Many talks are free with an option to buy. Jarrad Hewat caught my ear so I need to actually listen to the program I got from him. The is reviewing how it will certify practitioners.

That is a whole other blog post but I'm sneaking in a reminder to myself to mention that too more. The Humanity's Team Shift Network is running programs as well. Now what's helpful to know sooner than not is that they want to record calls and have information that reads they own whatever they record in perpetuity. Jen McLean may have a similar contract statement but I haven't seen it on her site.

She may want to clarify to all callers they are being recorded and may be used as part of her business in the future. It's not easy to know what to do right of f the bat and with live calls, who knows what will be shared. Likely it makes sense to do one's homework and basically not call unless one is really aware of 'where it could go".

The shamanism programs being offered online and in person also deserve more open discussion. Basically one longterm practitioner told me shamanism can lead one on a journey which one may be strongly affected by or even 'done in by' if not knowing how to return and so forth. I had heard not to go into that realm of journeying, which is somewhat like being in a meditative or imaginative state...but it's more than that. Not one to do drugs, recreationally or even by prescription (which again we need to all acknowledge does not negate the serious effects on a person's mind and body so again maybe best to look for more gentle alternatives.

Meditation, prayer, less stress and more support likely could help with that. Okay for now it's helpful to realize the world over people have been seeking ways to feel settled in their souls, connect with their tribe and make sense of the world and stay or get healthy. We need to think of all these things Collectively and keep an open mind about what people may benefti from but not be sold altogether on snake oil or false promises. Many traditions are very valuable. Some say each tribe or culture should stick to their tradtions.

Some say any person could choose any path, and mostly 'keep it simple sweetie." But in a way there's nothing simple about the past which allowed too many genocides and tribal fractions.

With each person considering the idea of karma, that what they give out on any level from wishes to threats or harm could come back to Them or Theirs--those they hold near and dear might give many pause for reflection and a U-turn to be decent and chill on the downward spiral of denial, blaming and pulling reverses if someone tries to point out to them they are being a bully or worse, a criminal or someone in need of an intervention.  For now, a need for sleep is wining the race for I will 'wrap this wee post up' and wish everyone pleasant dreams (which likely you can ask for before going to sleep and coach along in that direction.)

 Let me be among the first by the way to wish you  and your circles and US-All a Happy September 1st, 2016! I will be headed to a Hillary Clinton  voting booth on November 8th, 2016. Get your Absentee Ballot well in advance. Often there is a two-step process if mailing in, applying etc. Check online with your town clerk or voter registrar.

Please consider the need for many people to look carefully at what many leaders are saying in terms of the need to have a stable, experienced leader in the White House. Elizabeths Esty and Warren from CT and MA are both clear Hillary is the choice. It's not just a gal thing and yet the world over, that could set a new precedent for more to follow. Meanwhile I will see about taking a class online with Lundy Bancroft, since he promotes safety in relationships and in our culture. We can all take strides in seeing more peace preside in those arenas, right?

Maybe Trump could review his actions in light of Lundy's teachings to learn which lines he shouldn't cross and which words and swords he should put down to keep his cool and learn to be more realistic. Maybe everyone looking at Lundy's site and books would elevate the tactics many may be falling for rather blindly. We can all learn a lot from these situations which deserve our involvement and highest intentions for our states and country as we are world leaders due to our collective inheritance and we impact the world in huge ways.

PS After consulting with a more experienced computer whiz, he suggested I not pursue the Designrr at this time. He said there are better programs and some for free or that cost but had better options and results. One such is and Sigil to do e-books I think. I also tried at his suggestion. I hope my money-back guarantee time did not expire and am grateful for them getting me going. They sent me a sample e-book of this blogpost and encouraged me to review their videos. I would be happy to hear in the comments about others who have found success with them or another company. All the best and keep the efforts growing!

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