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Splurging on the Women's Balance Summit, Free through 8-7-16, Enjoy. Also tune into the free All Things Spiritual Summit through 8-21-16! And See for his new offerings (and extra special deals thru 8-12-16!)

on Fri, 08/05/2016 - 14:30

Hoping a few more folks can enjoy these online summits (also listened to a business offer from Ted McGrath called Message to Millions (M2M) which I found inspiring. I'd need a cool $2K to do his program and get my ideas out there on the internet in a professional powerful (and lucrative) way. While I have done much for free for decades, I realize if I did charge, I could still do stuff for free and people might appreciate me more as well as feel they could expect more from me if they made a purchase.

Feel free to coach me along those lines. I like the idea of having a group to work with and would like to go nationally before the election to help people focus in on their political power with their votes and visions. I wrote a note to Hillary so we'll see where that goes. I do feel we need to double up our efforts to keep ourselves on track to have a safe, sane country. I will take time to listen to some Trump supporters so post a comment if you feel so led.

This post is like a river that started flowing and 'who knows where it's going'. I don't try to limit the sense of what I feel I want to say in hopes of reviewing later and letting others find what's useful or think up new ideas as well. This post ended up covering a lot of ground back to the 1960s and on through some advocacy movements and to learning about politics and public speaking, just so you have a rough road or river map.

While we have heard that women hold up half the world, have given birth to Everyone on the Planet and have unique ways of networking and caring even beyond baby production, nursing (and pumping) and caring for most infants in the world as a mother, caregiver or advocate, we hardly give them the support they could benefit from in terms of helping All Females Understanding their hormones, special nutritional needs and 'warnings' (such as too much sugar or some aspect even of kombucha can exacerbate yeast infections). There are so many factors both men and women could benefit from learning about in terms of the basics of biology, nutrition, rest, normal growth cycles at various ages and stages of life.

Why not invest with a group I trust who will cover the material on audio and in text (so I don't have to take notebooks worth of notes as I've done for some summits.) With a guarantee, why not see what they have to offer? I don't know all the details but I do know Katherine Miller of Mbodiment and she stands (and eats so it seems) by her word. She was in my Toastmasters speaking group and took on the role of President which is a lot legwork. I believe she got coaching from going from Kosmic Kitchen where she counseled people about nutrition and gave workshops (maybe still does, I will need to check.)

The Southern Berkshire Toastmasters in Great Barrington MA has been a dynamic club for close to 20 years (or likely we reached that mark). I have been out of the loop for half a year, so do want to credit the many years of going to meetings even when not giving speeches for many years. I plan to join a club again and get back on track with extra talks since I completed my first manual,

The Competent Communicator. I found I needed to use my skills in legal settings (court, ye gads..), mediation sessions, improv acting, conversing with family, friends, strangers (who I think of friends or teachers I haven't met yet, even if they remind me of how I don't want to show up in the world.) As my confidence grew, which had been strong when young then got depleted in my mid 30s and 40s due to many stresses, I took on more challenges

. I joined Toastmasters mainly to learn of a way to start speaking about important isssues, hoping to inspire networking and action. Well, other groups appeared for that, linked to important causes whether Occupy type issues, domestic abuse (Battered Mothers Custody Conference is one every state should send leading advocates too and inform ALL abused women and those who could ever possibly by abused about so they don't think they are nuts or abandoned if 'it happens to them' in any context--at home, at work, among trusted people or strangers, rich or poor, any race, etc.

Maybe a Summit on Domestic Abuse would blow the lines of internet connection, so beginning with any user-friendly topic like 'life, women, men, family, relationships' would be the way to go. I am noting here I want to explore in terms of getting patron (saints) to support my blogging and outreach efforts.

At just over fifty by a few years, I am in a unique generation with some knowledge about the 1960s during which I was born and sadly in the same year six months after my arrival, JFK (President John F Kennedy) died and 'shook the world' and our sense of security which even today has yet to be clarified.

The trouble brewing on all fronts with young men heading off to Viet Nam and our own President getting shot (likely not by Lee Harvey Oswald as most realize now) marked the end of a Father Knows Best 1950s mentality. The anti-war activism filled the hearts and homes in discussions if not protests and soon everyone had to decide, maybe for the first tme and in a way that changed the options for generations, about Where they Stood on matters they could affect.

To think of how many young men and their families suffered through the realities of modern miserable warfare with seemingly no limits, endless inhumane acts and the after effects is daunting. I recall seeing a documentary series during my Vassar years and being part of Apartheid rallies, very tame in front of the Chapel. Eventually Vassar did Divest and even better the South African system of apartheid with whites ruling over blacks without representation was dismantled

. The movie Long Journey Into Night (I think) about a white woman activist being killed yet moving the hearts of her adopted community and her parents to continue her work efforts was a powerful one for me to see. I was also moved by seeing movies about Ghandi and the Dalai Lama. I hear that maybe all is not what it seems with the latter, but would hope in this day and age we could seek to find ways to make reasonable paths for both the public and the leaders at large to 'play fair and in a friendly manner with a great respect for the gift of life and these relatively gentle and amazing times in which we live.' Okay on that lofty visionary note, I will venture into my day.

There is also the All Things Spiritual Summit for free for the first 21 days in August, so there's much to enjoy. Thanks for spreading the words to put down the swords of despair for yourself and others and to help the light shine in our hearts, minds and souls.

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