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When a friend on a journey far away shared she found a rattlesnake skin (a 6 footer), I responded...

on Fri, 07/15/2016 - 03:41
All the best to you Mary and all the creatures and land you are communing great arms of love from all of us here and from many realms I'm sure. I watched a video on youtube by Mark Sims about ET visits and he made a chart based on what he learned..that maybe we evolved from small critters up through to mammals and people to learn soul lessons. When I considered this I wondered about various animals and rattlesnake came to mind.. I've been intrigued since learning as a kid how one would make cuts on a bite mark and suck poison out to save someone (and spit it out).
That's not recommended so much now, but the kind of urgency to save someone was something I also would ponder.. how would I or anyone have the presence of mind to take action when time was of the essence. Where my son Kaelan passed is called the Rattlesnake rapids from the base of the falls to the bridge a half mile down.
While I used to dream and worry in real life about rattlesnakes that were within close range to the backyard of our Sharon house (and frankly they are in plenty of places in our tri-corner area with one hit not far from our high school after my son died and when our daughter would run cross country on those watching one's step and not being in a hurry were messages from that thread.)
Now I am realizing maybe my son and that snake remind us all that across the animal kingdom each has a connection to place and likely may lose their life in the land they call home, maybe through no obvious intention of their own as a mortal...yet as a soul maybe growing from the lessons in both life and death.
I wrote to the newspaper about some ideas along those lines. It seems impossible to have real conversations of any length in this workaday, flyabout world, but more are starting to rattle and slither into our collective conscience.
Okay, for now, I'll wrap up..peace and sweet dreams. Mark Sims and the author of Above and Beyond and Dealing with Difficult People (aka rattlesnakes of another sort whether they know that or not which I explore on my blog post Lies in our Lives, on said learning unconditional love and being of service were the fuel for evolution of the soul from one realm to the next.
Along those lines, I felt my son's selfless act of love, which one psychic said was followed by him pushing his friend to safer waters which resulted in him being pushed back into the plunge hole that kept him for a week... intact but held under,and surfacing in a way he told her he would that day a week later and that Michael Jackson would be 'coming over' which he did the day Kaelan was found in the early hours floating down the river, like a snake shedding its skin, a profound seven miles down the river to the Covered Bridge..
okay, so that's plenty to ponder as I head to bed. Blessings to one and all, here and above and yet to arrive in our circles.( which those authors also say is a finely tuned complicated outplaying of forces and agreements Waayy beyond the physical here and now. A-ho

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