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To Budge or Not to Budge about the Budget?

on Fri, 08/09/2013 - 03:13

When you hear of the word "budget", you can hear the command  "Budge it!" Or you can here Bud-Get, or Get Bud! IF we think of the Buddy System, we could think of getting together to work out a sensible Budget! What a novel idea. In the CT Region One School District as of August 8th, 2013, the school budget was voted down 4 times. The Superintendent offered to return her 2% raise to the children in terms of directing it in the budget toward programs for them, rather than receiving it herself. She also said she'd open up the last year of her 3-year contract to review (or thereabouts, I'm sorry I didn't take notes). But overall, if the budget passed on the Aug 20th  5th referendum, she'd do these two things...and school could open with assurance teachers and administrators would be paid along with bills for running the buildings and buses and additional programs through Special Ed and the like.

There will be coverage in the local papers such as and on one can find the actual meeting recorded. Yours truly had the honor of holding the microphone for a number of speakers, including a man representing an IT outfit. He gave the board of education a letter summarizing concerns that the Region was paying far too much for technology services which his company (or another) could offer at a much better rate. Overall, the tone of the meeting was civil. The public seemed to have more to say than the 3 minuters per person on 'agenda items only' would allow.  I spoke off the cuff about the $10K for legal fees if needed--which doubled to $20K by the end of the meeting-- as something the board could consider reducing by learning and using more mediation  which is often better suited to addressing concerns or conflicts. I spoke with the vice principal later and hoped he could find ways to teach the students some basics, building on peer mediation programs they have as an optional source of addressing some conflicts I have heard. I'd love to learn more about  schools using such programs and how effective they are.

I also mentioned that the whole school and community should review the letter I wrote to the Lakeville Journal (on if they print them) about the hsitory of 'men owning women and children' in this country, which is part of a 2500 year legacy of how politics and cultures were run in Western Civilization. We don't see the big picture,. We don't want to realize women and children along with many men have been at the mercy of white, male property owners and how this does not serve our greater needs of sustainability for survival and humanitarian values of fairness and support for everyone to have a basic standard of living, including a good education. I think we need to invest more in the youth  before they get to school and really wean them off so much supervised classroom learning in tterms of showing up 5 days a week from early morning til late afternoon.

Climate change likely would say 'everyone stay put for half the week. Take turns moving about the plan-it. Don't go too far when you venture from home or school. Maybe consider letting half live at school in terms of having a steady student body. Maybe girls half the year and boys hafl the year (or every other quarter). I realize the local taxpayers have to come up with tuition for students, which is now at $24K for high schoolers going to Housatonic Valley Regional HS. That's for  the 400 locals..Imports are needed. Perhaps our communiites could fundraise or chip in for a few students to be hosted and attend to encourage talent to come our way...Applicants could qualify for goals we'd like in terms of diversity of race, talent and smarts, then be drawn from a lottery.


Wouldn't that be a nice way to 'give back'. More local families could offer to house a student so attending a grade school or high school here would be an option. Maybe someone has a relative looking for that new experience. Maybe more local kids could have 'local exchanges, some nature days (such as at the Audubon Center in Sharon on Rt 4, this Sat and Sun, Aug 10 and 11, 2013). Show some school and community spirit. Bring a positive attitude..Wear a nametag and a question like 'Ask me about what's great about our area schools" Mention improvements as needed, but go for a positive spin. Ask other familles if they are open to networking and building class and school spirit and linking in with  other services to help Each Student feel supported academically and even economically. A lttle help and guidance can go a long way! Thanks for pitching in as you can when you can to whom you can...

There'll be a mini folk festival at Music Mountain in Falls Village toward the end of August (check their website for details and directions) and a party after a car event on Aug 24th, from 5 to 7pm downtown...why not have more of the HVRHS community show up there to welcome freshman and also build class spirit, encouraging juniors and seniors to  succeed in school and life! All the best to each and every student in school and in life! L'heim! (to L-IF-E and the greater IFs for improving our lot for each state and country as plan-it heart/ earth  beckons US-All to dare to care and share!)

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