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Regarding Pope Francis saying some people are spiritual and don't need G-d or church to live good lives...FB reflection

on Fri, 05/13/2016 - 21:17

I'll see if I can get the exact quote by Pope Francis, but here's my response...

This was a point Kaelan, our teen son who passed on 2009--see other post titles, when about 8 was concerned about, calculating that billions would go to a fiery end if not knowing Jesus,sounded too punitive and didn't make sense.I offered that IF the only way to a reincarnation or not ending up in said fiery place,Jesus was like a lifeguard pulling people out of dangerous waters (I mistyped tat as eaters and really people do consume each other's energies...another post and sorry for how taxing spoken IR written words and iedeas I share are and gave been.

I think most do not have the time or understanding of Why what I share may be critical to spiritual,mental,physical and social,etc health...but times are shifting so less St should hit the fan .back to spirituality I think now along these lines and hope that us the case...kindness,forgiveness and acceptance (not staying in danger) are key with good counsel from caring capable people...more on my blog where I will repost this in a minute should C want to remove..tho typed on letter at a time on iPhone so Thnx for tuning in...

Sri Chimmoy and Dr. Sha and many others encourage people to think about some form of spirituality, thanking the Divine, feeling grateful in one's heart. Sri Chimoy also promote celibacy if not in a committed relationship when learning his meditation and practices, or for anyone in general to self-focus and elevate their Divine nature.. How do like them apples? See the web for more info and ask for guidance from sensible caring folks along life's journey.. See insights from Mark Anthony too. Peace...

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