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Tennis Anyone? How About Politics as in "The Battle of NY" for the Democratic Presidential Candidate...Bernie or Hillary, Case made for BERNIE SANDERS. Vote TUESDAY, April 19th, 2016 from 6am to 9pm.

on Sat, 04/16/2016 - 17:10

A Special Newspaper Flyer has been printed up to Clarify Key Factors about the Democratic Contest for the Presidential Candidate in the NY Primary on April 19th, 2016. The media has not given fair coverage, The Battle of New York flyer declares. The NY Times is endorsing Hillary Clinton...and so have I in many respects from over the years and in this campaign.

My hope as many have held that Bernie would not throw the election to the Republicans as Ralph Nader's unfortunate run for Presidency may have done.  Maybe we really have to go through decades of misery, even in modern times, to see the pattern of collective harm that comes from human greed and corruption of powerful leaders and influential businesses who may be small in number...and likely small in love spiritually.

Somehow we cannot let the winds of despair and complacency, those sleepy bedfellows that maybe pad the lives of too many of the masses, to blow out the hope and drive to see a better world for ourselves and future generations. I do not say children because that paints them as helpless newcomers whereas they may be the greatest force of spiritual entities ready to take on the the fight not only of their lives but of our sorry butts too, who again will likely say we were mired in confusing messages for decades.

The inner call to be kind, to be safe and sane, to play fair and get through one part of life with a sense of community is not a given, but is common around the world. Maybe where the differences are not so pronounced, where there are ways to survive if not thrive living outdoors and in mild climates or in low-cost housing with affordable energy costs.

But the political debate is not just about making ends meet, though it includes the practical cost of living and heating or cooling a home to make it livable...and that's a huge problems in NYC as well as many cities and strangely even in the suburbs and country towns.

Why not have a requirement for having public warming stations in every community 24-7 in the colder months and cooling stations in the hotter months?Bascially that's the purpose public buildings and stores serve but in the country or suburbs those may not be available 24-7, and yes homeless services (or more aptly for those who are houseless), a place to sleep every night and some basic food?

If all people could be given access to information on meditation and thinking positively and have a team of support to fill out paperwork, understand options (and know about Homeward Bound type programs to assist them in relocating to where they would have support people or other programs, ) likely more dire cases could be addressed. readily.

But I digress and TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. The Primaries are Critical to Make Your Choice Known for either Bernie or HIllary. In the most recent debate, Hillary said her experience informed her far more than proposals that Bernie could suggest or the way he described problems. That sounded reasonable and if she becomes the nominee, hopefully she could use that for the better. But sadly from the news summary in The Battle of New York,

Hillary apparently is more in line with Henry Kissinger type militant take overs and high human casualty responses to countries whose politics do not line up with what the US or Washington DC goals demand.

I am not an expert, and I am summarizing the points made in the the recent Battle of NY paper...and I imagine what the two million plus contributors to the Bernie Sanders Campaign for President are talking about...the need for a HUGE Change and Recogntion that the Current System has done irreparable harm to masses of people in our country as well as many around the world, including huge casualities in the Iraq war even when there were not weapons of mass destuction detected (and the flyer says Hillary supported the war yet would not consider that seriously nor heed warnings from the BIPS--Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity.)

I am grateful the latter group exists and had heard years ago from the man who clearly reported there were no weapons of mass destruction when he gave a talk at the hall of the Salisbury CT Congregational Church long ago. Our small northwest corner of CT and the whole Great Barrington MA area are rather loaded with lovely homes and smart folks,a few famous actors (Meryl Streep among others), even Henry Kissinger has ties to Kent it's like a hub of the real world out in the country.

The Salisbury Forum provides speakers to address issues of concern with large public talks which are covered in the Lakeville Journal. Tony Piel, former director of the WHO, World Health Organization, has written for the Lakeville Journal and likely his articles are elsewhere also. He has advocated for a single payer healthcare system. Hillary made important points about what the cost would likely mean to people for low cost or free medical as well as for college for everyone.

There would be impacts that should be clearly communicated and debated before enacted. The Permaculture Workers and Activists such as on propose restructuring our systems to address the Climate Change issues, and Bernie Sanders has highlighted this as well with depicting it as a terrorist we need to declare war on, complete with funding and targeted approaches to legislating policies to slow the decline.

What can regular people do? There is a lot to learn and consider for not only our personal selves, but for families and neighborhoods as well as the resources of the planet such as the oceans and rivers, the animals, the earth and the air. The obvious problems of having Corporations Rule and even vote through Super PACs such as Citizens United needs our immediate attention.

This point is another one Bernie Sanders prioritizes. Again the Primary Concern of Every Citizen is to GET THEE TO THE PRIMARY, and take a moment with a sense of faith and trust to sense and then 'think' about who one should vote for. I was on the fence and again, saw that Bernie Sanders is predicted to win over a Republican nominee by 6 points to Hillary Clintron's 3%...That feels like a fresh breath of air coming through a jammed door that's been opened.

The gasping cry of Eric Garner was referenced (and his daughter Erica had made her own moving video endorsement for Bernie Sanders online months ago) as the kind of hopelessness of "I can't breathe" to represent what many regular people are feeling in terms of confusion and frustration with the systems currently driving more folks down the drain with despair.

The REVOLUTION spoken about and practiced by Occupy Wall Street which Bernie Sanders echoes by holding the Banks accountable for fraudulently made loans to people who could not repay them and often did so illegally. A movie The Big Short or something like that describes that situation.

As a PS my solution to everyone doing better after high school, which could likely largely be online to accommodate people's schedules and go toa  4-day physical school week to allow for smoother transitions, is that all children could have early preK camp type programs which could continue through 2nd grade or about 8 years of age (more charter schools to accommodate different learning styles and allow for a more balanced life experience with nutrition and fitness goals as well as social and academics, science and the arts, with 'safer sports' as mainstays.) The overall arch of growth from pre-pregnancy through infancy (bonding with a few caregivers in a healthy, safe setting with lots of supportive people and programs) could be vast improvement.

Let's grow kids and families up right in the first place!  For any good Bernie or Hillary has done in the past, they are to be thanked, but sadly if the job or choices Hillary has made has also cost people their lives and livelihood unnecessarily, that cannot be supported with enthusiasm.

With a good choice and role model like Bernie, it's MISSION OVER MONEY, SENSIBILITY OVER SUCCESS AT FUNDRAISING and a HOPE FOR A TRUE CHANGE IN THE HEARTS OF ALL PEOPLE to find workable solutions with coaching for each age group to understand the ways to live, save, and succeed as individuals and team players, with a focus on Wisdom, Kindness, Health, Talent and Friendship and Success in Work, Relationships, Healthy Habits and Interests and Involvement in Community and yes, Politics.

These were some of the visions I have nurtured over many years in an (A-2020) Acorns to Trusty Oaks Team Outreach (or Friends United Network, FUN) from what I have felt makes the world work for people of all ages, and nurturing youth and others could be a helpful ongoing effort, even if care is needed to not get burned...rather lets get Bernie in the White House! Cha, cha, cha...


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