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See National Parents Organization today (March 2016 or asap) but Don't Vote Blindly for Shared Parenting, which allows too many male abusers thru the door

on Tue, 03/08/2016 - 20:56

Not easy to have to spell this out, but the crux of a national debate the media is not covering, is that Abusive Fathers are gaining custody in costly battles. The toll is not only money and despair, but sadly the severing of times with protective mothers and in the worst cases, sexual abuse or physical abuse of the children who are stuck with their biological dad and his cohorts.

These are alarming trends which are covered in necessary ways to SAVE LIVES and PROTECT CHILDREN and their mothers on One would think when the expert advocates get clear on what is needed to SAVE LIVES and promote safety in the 'best interests of the child' that most intelligent, capable people in leadership positions would follow suit. How could they not? Well, head over to NPO--National Parents Organization and likely you will feel part of a new good mission, it's not all is seems however.

Most normal decent people can make plans that reflect a basically fair parenting and support plan. Courts do need guidance to address modern issues and costs of living, network with social supports, schools and other resources to help struggling families who end up in court. Likely these services need to be provided as a wrap-around blanket set of services for ALL FAMILIES with children!

What a novel concept, and one that could likely help victims understand their dilemma and the Necessary actions and course to follow for their SAFETY. See other experts such as and with their Safe and Together Program which seeks to keep children safe and together with their protective mother in the majority of cases. While half of all divorces involve abuse, about half of those have children.

Only about 5-10% don't reach amicable or  reasonable agreements..with that small percent driving up costs and involving serious concerns for safety. Still that drains great resources for vulnerable victims, many who have little to begin with although even very wealthy people can be found among the most contentious group.

With each decade, new laws are passed in every state, with MASS looking at issues in  March 2016, so go to to the NPO site and get some info but do not endorse the path they promote. Ideally there would be watchdog groups like NPO which fully comprehend the danger too many women and children are in for harm of all kinds--emotional, psychological, financial, social, stability wise--often having to live apart or make changes in schooling, etc, and yes, the worst--with the mother or even the children being forced into compromising situations sexually, but often legally and driven apart when they need each other for maintaining safety and continuity.

 Even when there is clear evidence of harm done to a woman in any and all of these ways, and even to the children along the same lines, too often the abuser 'takes all.' This is due to a litany of wrongdoing both nationally and locally, regardless of what laws and agencies in place to supposedly prevent problems or advocate for victims. Other groups such as Safe Kids International strive to shed light on the scary aspects of these modern nightmares. Not knowing they exist or how to spot them for others even is a major barrier to changing the culture to one of care and true advocacy.

Thanks for telling Massachusetts women to learn and advocate for each other, as all good guys could do for the women as well..this vote is a big one for future families and is worth every minute, word and action you can take to decide for a safer Mass. for families--mainly women and kids, I kid you not..they will thank you from the bottom of their hearts..and well, the bad guys,they need a wake up call and likely will benefit karmically now and in the future from timely interventions, education campaigns in the media and oh yes, in the schools and courts should a comprehensive outreach be done as it should, sooner rather than later after further loss!

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