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Wrapping up '22 with idea to Really Face the Open Road Together in 2023 and Beyond! See #KaelansChallenge2009

on Thu, 12/29/2022 - 18:50
 I've been learning lots this past few weeks from someone who trying to blend helps 'soul-minded' folks bridge their offers to the right clients.
 That's what I got from the  few talks and I've heard about a dozen such talks over the past few years. Of course, I do like to reach out to everyone...and feel that the life span provides the right level of 'funneling' so people can learn (and maybe earn) with more planning (whether affiliates or team efforts or encourage sharing info and expertise from life and work.)
 Often business ideas say 'teach what you learned and break it down into a few part process' so you can meet people where they are and walk them up to the place needed at least to find more support and make connections.
Those ideas combined with permaculture design and such encourage everyone to value what each person is doing and needing, even seeing 'problems as solutions' to yet other factors that need balancing. Overall the idea is to prevent crises and help more people succeed early on. 
Thanks for letting me share this and I do have homework to do to craft an offer or two. I have developed the idea of Crafting Clear Safety PLANS (and following them) which grew out of the experiences of seeing the need for more teamwork for teens and parents after  our beloved teen son's untimely passing. See  #Kaelan'sChalleng2009 and more info online and this blog on Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton, 1993-2009 so born 30 year ago now that it's 2023..
After saving two of his  young teen friends in the final moments of his life from the edge of the Housatonic River in Salisbury CT (my hometown), to save another friend he went near the base of the dangerous waterfall that their group was not supposed to be jumping in 'according to the basic agreement' among two of us parents but clearly was not shared or followed.' One other mother has tried to get others to not have their teens go by making some calls, but the other parents thought it would be a special bonding experience and safe enough way to enjoy the last half-day of school. 
Schools and communities as well as parents could encourage each other to pick their students up or accompany them from the final days of school (when schedules often change and spontaneous ideas to explore and do things can emerge.)
Some people monitoring concerning areas and checking in with people about plans or encouraging safe parties at supervised appropriate places would make good sense, much like 'after prom or graduation parties' or other holiday or special event programs. While sleep overs could be helpful, trying to stay awake until the wee hours or consuming alcohol and such would not be advisable even for those 'of age' and at someone's home if there's not someone closely monitoring things (2 drinks for a male and 1 for a female is the recommended limit to avoid other cardiac issues short-term or longer I was reading online today.)
No other adults who knew about it thought it was their role or that they should intervene which is another severe shortcoming our community and world cannot afford since it left many in harm's way as youth and responders! 
The PLANS stands for People Learning, Loving and Living with Agreements and Alliances, Networking and Sharing and Socializing in Society.
 That can help people reference the country, laws and time one is living in and addressing matters from the top down as well as from the ground up, from individuals, parents and families, teachers and community members all being better informed and supporting the tenets of how things can proceed with more accountability, follow-through and ongoing fine-tuning.
 That's for basics of supervising those in need of that from youth through elders and any with special needs (and being accountable as individual on all fronts...from safety and finances to work or other efforts to contribute or appreciate the group efforts it takes to keep the show on the road.)
 Hopefully more people would be choosing healthier lifestyles and ways to prevent 'problem pile ups' than not and also have support to manage concerns but also to dream up nice options for proceeding in life...'collecting $200 and making around the game board another round.' 
Taking time to appreciate the people and places that have 'touched up our lives' and found ways to gain skills and support to use those is something everyone can tune into with a sense of greater appreciation for those who came before...much like the generations on both sides of one's family...and for us that means two branches or more of families that eked out livings in the desert climates and in hard times back in the day. So we do have a lot to be grateful for and 'try to remember' and honor.
The road ahead for many in our age group of over 50 is to coast or make sense of the terrain as we age and manage as people who may need more support eventually. Hopefully more people and communities can build on the senior center model but also branch into how people can have care in their homes or group homes. I know about five folks needing that and there are plenty more on (for those looking for help and seeking to help others so that's a start.)
 There's a need to plan for back up teams in each area who know the people and routines well enough to fill in short term and loan people money to afford help if grants or volunteers are not available.I have shared quite a bit without using people's names etc in The Lakeville Journal of CT about the growing need for Responsive Care Teams (who could be paired with emergency responders or even called beforehand to assess if those are really needed.)
More screening by doctors and mental health folks could prevent those with mental health confusion or personality issues from misusing the emergency and court systems. It's rather sad to think someone might really need stabilizing but instead they drum up a police/court circus and more attorneys or services somehow do not catch the problem and join in the madness and mismanagement, adding to the layers of difficulty and even perjury against caring, competent workers and people in someone's care circles.
Then of course there is the realm of 'caregiver burn-out and depression if not health decline' from lack of sleep or too much stress and not enough relief help or funds etc. So these 'problems' could point the way to the next needed wave of job training (for CNA and Home Health Aides but also care managers for home or other set-ups, short-term or longer, seasonal or year-round. Maybe there could be camps for more people to go to in warm weather (with cabins and secure shelters from storms etc) and more outdoor time could be enjoyed, farms and gardens etc.
 Just thinking out loud and of course welcome all ideas from over the years of 'what worked' and outdoor parties whether weddings or reunions, having games and light sports and such are all rather special even in rural areas.
 The rail trails and other ways to enjoy the downtown areas are being mapped out by more folks and that could be another role to train folks in, helping arrange for parties and reunions that maybe include farmer's markets and other events, some camping or airbnb options and rides to help more attend with support.
Okay I'll be looking to share this with more people and see who feels 'we're onto something' and ways to bridge teams among people of each age group, some for gals and some for guys etc, some for parents with young kids on up through the college or launching years. 
That group of people who have young adults not going to college seem to 'disappear from the group radar' and many in foster care are left in peril after their 18th birthday with too many declining. Hopefully we could have a program for all to feel supported for a few years or more, right on through each decade really. More people under 50 are finding a benefit to joining AARP so that's a plus.
With many people needing housing assistance especially in colder climates, that needs attention. With what Buffalo NY went through and more of the same happening due to climate change or 'whatever'... we need to think of everyone's basic well-being and safety.
 There are some social workers and such but sometimes that can backfire so better to have more local networks that can keep people informed and provide ways for children and others with care needs to be in safe, appropriate settings.
 I realize that is idealistic and the options for people to get help with becoming safe and sober can be costly or only come after an arrest or other intervention, but hopefully plenty could be assisted early and often from the time a child is growing since low birth weight can be a problem for many to have a strong start.
There is a lot to be desired with the foster care and adoption systems from what I'm hearing from online as well. So again a greater outreach to the more vulnerable members of society and more support for women to be able to have safe housing and men as well before there is chronic homelessness (which seems to be the criteria for many programs) would make sense. If someone has some housing and is becoming in need or has a job there may be other programs available, but working through things in a timely way before cold sets in and having consistency is a challenge. 
Thanks for all everyone has done and shared over the years to add to the  wisdom and ways to make the road a bit smoother and the world a friendlier place to face over time. Here's to more help and hope winning the day and healing on all levels as the new year comes round!