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Women's March on Jan. 21st after Trump's Inauguration on Jan. 20th, 2017..Go in Peace With Purpose (and see Mothers of Lost Children Recent Years of Marches in DC too)

on Wed, 01/18/2017 - 00:15

From a friend on FB, This feels important to share: 
"If you're going to DC, Boston, Los Angeles, SF, etc. to take part in a peaceful gathering, here are some good tips. Keep your cool. Do not offer personal information to unsolicited requests.

Stay to the edges of the crowd. Have a meet-up-if-you-get-separated plan. Do not count on your cellphones for this purpose. Write important information on your forearm in Sharpie. (Emergency contact, drug allergies, etc.) It will wash off eventually.

In fact, bring a Sharpie with you to share with others for this purpose.

Stay hydrated (water and juice so you don't deplete electrolytes) and never pass up an opportunity to use a toilet (or wear Depends, just in case).

Wear the right shoes and don't carry anything you can't lose. LISTEN to the energy and calmly leave the vicinity if you have any doubts about anything.

(These are intended to be peaceful gatherings but there have been intimations that infiltrators will try to incite violence and make it look like the protesters caused it. Use your own judgement on this one.)

Please COPY AND PASTE to share. I know a lot of you are planning to take part in these events in DC and your hometowns. We all need you to return home safely. xxo"

Here's my contribution for now and I'm there in spirit (as I'm sure many spiritual folks earth and heavenside will be too..) and maybe get to one in person.

Thanks for all going to any national or local march for women on January 21st, 2017 (or other pro-active marches to for the greater good and whatever gender.) Ideally everyone will plan for safety and the weather will be kind! Many are wearing special hats to draw attention to the importance of women and girls. I will leave it at that for now, but will post more. Google "Pussy Hats" and see what comes up. Everyone counts and every body part is sacred, especially when used with respect. On that note, have a BeYouToFull day and life, one day at a time.

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