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What if there were ways to encourage thinking of things in new a Grocery Store's name such as the The Big "WHY"?

on Fri, 08/05/2016 - 11:06

 Every wonder about the Big WHY in Life? The What is the Meaning of Life or Who are We as Human Beings and Other Living Animals or Beings on the Planet? How about Why Does Bad Stuff Happen (to any of us individually, as a couple or family, or group or other people in the world?) Why are some born into poverty or with health challenges and others nos?

Why do some people die with great suffering or suddenly? Why do some people get miracles or second chances even and others not? Why does life have to seem so hard even in modern times with so much wealth and success on the planet, in some countries, states or towns?

How can we tune into the answers and why don't we talk about these things more often or find ways to try reshaping our society to respect the way people could try out living for a few weeks or months at a time rather than 'stay stuck' or isolated for months or years?

Sri Chinmoy and many folks around the world propose we evolved not only from 'lower life forms' such as animals all the way to single-cell organisms but from plants and rocks, I think that's how some theories go.

The ideas touch on concepts that with the Big Bang of Life and Energy being created at once long ago (over millions of years ago I think but will google for how many and if in the billions...but basically that's a such a huge concept I'll just keep going with the ideas about Life on Earth and mostly about us Human Beings).

Once energy was created the scientific theory holds it cannot cease to exist, That means the energetic basis for everything on earth was in existence once the universe began a long, long time ago.

The teachings in the Bible that "In the beginning was the Word. The Word was with G-d and The Word was G-d" speaks to the idea that everything can connect back to Source, to an ancient powerful beginnning. In a post about Jesus I try to summarize the theories about the different views and conflicts that have arisen from the teachings about Jesus as a teacher, perfect man, divine being (and that would harken back to the idea that as one with G-d, Jesus was there for the beginning of the world.)

More modern explorations of Christ Consciousness look at how each of us may have a spark or divine component in us that connects us to the divine, each other and everything else in the universe. Like having a computer chip in us that connects to the internet, this divine aspect of our being empowers us yet needs to be housed in a mortal form to function in certain ways and experience human life in the flesh as physical, emotional and spiritual beings.

The simple idea in the title of the post to think about The Big Why in a more public friendly manner like going to the grocery store (such as the chain of stores called The Big Y) could be one to catch on and help us each realize we could go shopping for balance in our lives not only for fun but to save our planet, our collective lives and even our souls.

The public realms of discussion do not exactly allow for much serious talk about souls or spiritual existence. Growing efforts from groups and even individuals with online connections and established traditions and gatherings (faith groups, environmental and even political groups) do refer to the common good and try to help people stay on track of how they are living.

The new frontier of knowledge and inquiry is looking within as well as in the physical practical world.Then there is the idea of space and potential life, beings and UFOs to consider (see Mark Sims on youtube and which I've also written posts about.)

The two aspects of our humanity, the physical and the 'non-physical' or energetic are being bridged with integrative health and medicine, simple practices such as becoming more aware of one's breathing and thinking as aspects of one's existence but not necessarily defining a person (we are not only what we think, and we can become aware of our breathing, feelings, intentions and even our dreams and other facets of our human and spiritual experience.)

Like a group of plants growing in rich soil with sunlight and watering, we humans are socialized even while in the womb to connect with others, to trust, find ways to get basic physical and comfort needs met as though growing in a garden.

We have needs or 'inputs' such as food and nurturing and produce waste physically yet also speak, relate and create efforts to improve our lives and that of others. Keeping the use of energy of people and resources from the planet in balance is 'levelling the playing field'.

The idea that there's only so much land and limited physical resources is coming to more people's attention. The need for fresh water and the impact of the ocean levels rising is impacting more countries and the realities of many people, particularly on the coastlines.

As the physical challenges increase on plan-it earth we are being coached to 'think with our hearts' and live in simpler ways in terms of using less space and fewer resources (making more efficient trips to any grocery store such as The Big Y or Stop and Shop, Publix or big box stores like Walmart, Kmart, Sears or Malls.)

What does it really take to live and how can we provide nourishment physically, socially, and energetically as well as educationally and spiritually to more people if not all people? The expanding numbers of people on the planet create a need for many in the developed world to help address the realities of people who may not have the resources to create effective solutions to pressing problems.

Eventually helping people curtail the number of children each woman has may be an idea to promote through effective social teachings (waiting until age 25 to have children could be promoted so more people really have time to understand what is involved in parenting and affording a family).

Sponsors for all families, as in about 25 other adults and families networking to care for each child (I am thinking two a month to help finance basic needs such as childcare costs or help provide the care, etc or support a mother or father willing and able to care for their own child/ren.) Same goes for elders and others with needs for care. More teams of people stepping up to the idea that caring for other people is care teams makes big sense.

Ideally the assurance that care will provided for them would be an added incentive to give a certain number of hours to such a cause whether weekly, monthly or yearly in direct or indirect care. In various countries the traditions, care ethic and social networks address similar social and practical needs of people in different ways. In Mexico, for instance, I learned from some Mexican people that 'no one is left alone' as they age or if they need care.

The ones with special care needs live with a family. Often families and neighbors live near each other and help one another. The expectation of personal space and separate social circles, even to the point of not wanting to know one's neighbors, is common or a result of other factors people may not be aware or have intended.

That is where crafting clear plans for caring for each person, including infants growing in their mothers and once born, could be promoted and discussed online and in practical ways.

Often people need help but do not know who to ask or how to really get help longterm. Whether homeless, low income, not clear about how systems work to get support, not having access to a phone, being in an abusive or complicated relationship or many other factors, people need and deserve help. As they do better in getting basic needs met, even with receiving information and help, then they can help themselves and others. In terms of being spiritually tuned into their own heart and mind, making choices with meaningful caring values, that also could be acknowledged and supported.

The high cost of living to survive can create more tension than most people can manage readily 'all on their own'. Most people have help from early in life and some social supports and education as well as health and resources to help them grow and create lives with balance.

But even a few challenges can stress their networks, and sometimes be the beginning of a downward spiral of problems. When help is needed suddenly or more seriously over a period of time if a setback is not remedied, what are the common responses and resources for someone to access.

How exactly would they do that? Why wouldn't there be a comprehensive social network to assist each person along in their journey. Family and friends can be 'expected' to only do so much and for so long. Then there could be an understanding that other adults could help each other Voluntarily.

We likely could transform many situations with a growing care ethic, sharing resources and efforts to be more efficient and help people see education, jobs and life paths unfold in successful ways. Social supports and emotional and mental health resources have to be as commonplace as medical doctors and care.

Even those basics are too often overlooked for people in need. The homeless and needy likely represent our current society as much as any individual life story.

The more we consider these connections as well as the wonderful resources we have as humans and with good ideas and efforts catching on, the better life will likely get for all of us and inspire other efforts world wide, if not in other parts of the universe.

With everyone tuning into the idea of having loved ones smiling down on them from heaven, letting the past be contained as a time of learning and guidance (in terms of how one relates or associates with people to not revive unhealthy ties or interactions if not safe or comfortable, so likely some form of prisons or more agreements to maintain distance or supervised interactions would be appropriate for many former situations.)

The idea of humans having many lifetimes, a possible dance of karmic outplayings or balancing of scales not only as individuals but as family or friend or soul groups could help people see themselves and their circles in a whole new light with new eyes as it were. Who might one have been in the past from one's family tree or area, or based one's skills, interests or connections with certain places or cultures.

Some say when we reincarnate we will choose a nationality or location, then parents and family to be born into which can assist our souls with life paths we choose to experience human life and even balance out karma.

Even the human form may be chosen with such criteria. Dr. Sha and others teach each part of our body and the totality of our human form may be comprised of many energies (even soul energies).

Maybe think of each organ for instance as having a team of energy not just a physical form. The liver team, the heart team, the brain team and the leg team... sounds energizing and even saying "Hello" to the spirit, mind and body of each body part, and any that needs healing can be a key part of healing he says in his books and online Intentions (repeated four times) even before one awakens such as "The Divine creates and fulfills a new day for me" can tune one into a healing frequency each day.

There are numerous ideas, chants and online teachings he offers. Other people such as gives more information about simple ways to have a healing frequency and find success in many areas of one's life.

Some youtube videos of founder Eric Pearl also introduce the idea of humans being given a new frequency to help with their healing and life alignment. Scalar energy work can possibly bring people into balance as can many other forms that have been around for a very long time or more recently.

None of this has to fly in the face of religious teachings yet there is not an ongoing, public open council to clarify which religion rejects which teaching or practice on scientific or practical grounds.

We know many centuries of people having power over others, mainly men over women, but in certain countries, anyone being subjected to harm was simply allowed if not required.

At a certain point we could aspire to have a new more kind and practical way to allow more people safety, sanity, assistance and protection to be in tune with what they feel is part of their life purpose. This would include a context of the common good, not harming others or oneself.

There's plenty more to ponder, but for now that gets the ball rolling about exploring The Big Why and encourage us all to be aware of what we are shopping for in our lives alone and together, awake and when dreaming...maybe lifetime to lifetime...

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