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Well-Come to My New Digs at (formerly hosted at drupalgardens). Many thanks to all who help spread words to help put down the swords of confusion, mistakes, difficulties and danger and despair--which is part of what this blog does+/-

on Wed, 07/06/2016 - 17:52

Greetings to the new cyberspace or online location of Moving just as in real life whether from the couch to the gym, from one apartment to another, or from the country to the not as easy as it may seem.

For this leg of the trip, I give thanks to all from the small to the tall on the list of friendly helpers such as a Notice from Drupal Garden that they were closing down the blogging aspect of their site. Yikes! I would have to find a new web hoster or server (see I am still learning those terms) to keep my site. The notice said Blue Host would be all set to receive me and the transition would be easy=peasy ( a wink to the peas on my patio who I greeted today).

The process took a few weeks for me and my team that emerged from the angelic and familial realms. That I actually saw the notice in a timely manner was a big plus, because weeks or more can go by when I just don't  get to my blog.

Likely I need to get on monthly or more, say the 15th of the month (the first of the month sneaks in on us sometimes, don'tcha think? Feel free to review what you need to do monthly, weekly or thereabouts and put it on a handy dandy calendar with a system That Works for You (and Yours.) Sometimes the idea of having a weekly or at least monthly check-in with how things are going for people you connect with at home or work or St. Elsewhere makes good sense.

Even if you miss a few the concept is in place and it's easier to reactivate if a trip or change is coming up. It may take a handful of times and small efforts to reach out to someone about how things will be done (shopping, meals getting made, laundry or other household tasks,  childcare, rides or other daily tasks of living and communicating. Some find a notebook with a page for each person or notes for the week, day etc to record phone or other messages on makes sense.

Whether one is trying to buy time, clarify boundaries, not have 'oops, I forgot again' or other snaffus interrupt the flow of getting 'er done (a list or overall routine for FUNctioning), the Notebook Could be A Good Friend or Paper Pal (like PayPal only different.)

Now back to how it wondrously came to be that this new site is up and Running before the August 1st, 2016 deadline.. A friend stopped by so I am now going to Post Away, Enjoy nd Welcome!!

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