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Wayne Dyer, "One little event can change everything..." in a good way (not just a harsh way, which we have seen is also a possibility...)

on Tue, 04/20/2021 - 00:41 is offering an awesome course by the late Wayne Dyer...and it's on sale through 4/20 at 11:59pm don't delay in watching the 7 lessons for free if you aren't up for buying the whole thing for $99 and getting over $250 of value in bonuses...Maybe a few folks can pitch in and join in learning together. It's so cool to hear Wayne Dyer speak even in video and knowing he's moved on. I have a nice friend who just passed away from a long illness.

I think of her as a leader in our community from when I was young and I'm almost sixty. I was hoping to get her know her better but maybe that will happen by continuing with things like scouting and helping in our community and faith circles. I got to see her kids grow up and meet her grandchild also, so worth counting the blessings.

"Make a decision now,"Wayne says, "I don't have to believe that the aging process will not have dementia show up....saying it outloud..." He jokes that if he got it, he wouldn't know. But basically believing that you will be healthy and determine to be committed to one's own radical well-being, then the universe will help you fulfill.

Advance confidently into living one's dreams. He does make healthy food choices and natural healing remedies to assist him in with meeting his intentions. You don't have to slow down or age in ways that advertised as normal aging...." So I will take that as another inspiration from the wider world.

I also got to speak with Kat James of for about a half hour and was incredibly inspired by everything she shared about leptin sensitivity and the value of getting that set with her specific guidance (the only person who really has this figured out and can coach people in the specific ways each needs....) Lots to learn on her site and best to all at finding that inned peace, health and glow. Wayne was able to levitate for just a moment and the littlest bit....back in the past.

Many spiritual masters in India and around the world usually stay out of the limelight. The ego may block the god consciousness. Okay I'll let you learn more from Wayne himself...(and I've had a long day and need to take a break...) That said I have joined the club. We heard an amazing talk about a Rotarian who has worked with many others to bring water to over 20 villages in Guatemala.

They are coming up short in their usual by all means pitch in to such projects and consider donating as an individual or with others. Thanks in advance...and I'll list other great non-profits finding a way to help others (and themselves along the way!) Dining for Women has a new name now...but check out their offerings and ways they help many and educate the world along the way.

"Restore the angelic (loving, caring) qualities of your own get the divine to notice." (that's from Wayne's teaching...)"When you connect your life with the divine then the ultimate subtle truths will follow.." and he has learned a lot since his mother passed. May we all be so blessed with a sense of the loving, forgiving, healing spiritual aspects...we came from 'eternal gentleness' and will return. HugEnergy...peace, love and light..."God is Oneness...and to entertain conflict is about divisiveness..." The prayer of St. Francis asks that he be able to bring love to hate, to bring light to being love and light.

That's the first aphorism Wayne shares... don't see oneself as a person with problems...or a conflicted angry mind...stay in love and healing energy...That may be what we all need after the long trial and heartache of the passing of George Floyd under such sudden terrible actions, intentional or not, by Derek Chauvin and others in the police force seeming to be in a frozen mode. Let's start with the healing that is what we are all clearly needing...