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Wanna check out something Awesome and then Some? See for events in MN and next year in NY!

on Mon, 08/11/2014 - 15:53

You will thank yourself for taking a few minutes to learn about Permculture (short for permanent agriculture, but refers to more than that) on  Like a magician revealing their secrets, I am trying along with tens of thousands of permies and other activists ot spread the good word that somehow over millenia people have known how to care for People, the Earth and Resources (the first three letters of PERMaculture--see more on my Turtle Garden post on this blog where I give ideas for designing a garden or other project using a design process that incorporates who a building or project is being designed for and in what climate, etc and with what kind of support and resources from others)

But I'm getting ahead of myself. A great conference is being planned for the Twin Cities in MN at the tail end of August with discounted rates through 8-15-14. Last minute may make this a hard thing to get to, but 'if it's meant to be it could happen( and yes, the car pools and scholarship links may be helpful for reaching this event or another you may want to get to or help plan!) It's okay to dream big and out loud, that's how people can readily support each other

In 2015,there will be a  big NYC  kahuna (okay, gathering but feel free to bring your own ways to celebrate including grass skirts and leis, no puns intended, just some good clean fun okay? and play it safe wherever you go with a buddy system of safe, sober, competent people you know well and keep folks at home posted with daily calls and updates online, and even a commitment to watch the edge of situations that could be risky --rivers, road, someone drinking or upset etc..don't even cross a street if cars are coming if it's only a matter of waiting a few minutes to have a safe car-free passage.

Sadly I know of someone who ran into a a line of cars stopping for someone who really could have easily waited before using a cross walk. That person still feels their right should have been the priority even though it's a 'daily problem' to get cars to really stop and let her and her child cross on a clear stretch of road. Rather, she could decide to Wait until the Coast is Clear before risking such harm (where a person broke his leg upon impact of hitting  a pick-up yet it could have been worse in terms of the cars all going forward or the timing such that she and her child could have been run over..

That's the big take-away message not only for that situation to have been prevented but for US-All to make sure we don't take chances unnecessarily when we are just going about our day or when things are dicey (poor weather, crisis time in someone's life, and much more regarding transitions, driving when too hungry, angry, lonely or tired (HALT). Okay, now back to the inspiring conference...and another nice CT program along the lines of alterntive healing and transitioning in life with a Master's through The Graduate Institute can be found at They will have open houses on 8-20 and 27. For most, an adult ed class in their area,, or other learning group is a great way to stay involved with learning and living fully.

There are often nice events at libraries and other venues (come see us in the NW Corner of CT at the Hotchkiss School where a Trade Fair with local businesses each featuring a booth (see at their Athletic Center off of Rt 112 will be held August 17th, Sunday from 10a-3p--pls google for details. Should be fun. The Southern Berkshire Chamber in MA also has nice offerings..but we need a Chamber for Regular People--which a phone book and is a nice start for but each school could do more to help families connect in the earlier years before kids enter school as could daycares and towns. The networking is key to people feeling valued and included. The need is clear but without funding no one takes the lead to really help people connect with services, but this could be a new growth area for each state with volunteers leading the way--yet being careful not to share private information or allow for solicitaion. The Macaroni Kid newsletters are doing many a good service online. Other nice events in Sheffield MA are their Fair on Sept 6th (see more on various sites I will list on the Local Resource page). Country fairs from Goshen CT to Dutchess County in NY are always a hoot and worth a trek to enjoy.

Thanks for sharing what you do with others to help people stay informed and inspired. Reviewing what we've done in life can be a nice way to give ourselves a pat on the back and encourage others to dream out loud and try something new. I'd recommend Ragtime at the Warner Theatre in Novermber in Torrington CT.112

I saw it at the Hotchkiss School and was really amazed by the powerful story and songs to encourage each person to pay attention to the people in their lives and tune into what really matters. Who knew theatre could be therapeutic and helpful to the masses? Likely anyone who has attended a show, but it takes a while (even years) to reaslize the benefits of the arts when the workaday world exacts and extracts our energies and resources. That's where the paradigm shift toward reclaiming and recreating our voices, choices, communities and states such as permaculture (PC) offers is inspiring and practical!

We need to use All of our Smarts and Talents lest we lose the land we live on to corporate greed and pillage and a high cost of living no one can hang onto. Sadly, that's the story of our population ni these rural towns..we need to pull together and Recruit More People to live here with affordable housing, camp-outs and hikes on the AT and many efforts to promote small-scale and even larger efforts. It's not just a luxury to 'dream a little more encompassing dreams', it's a survival strategy! Share here or as you can in conversation or on 860-626-5199 which is  a recorded google voice line of mine..Good luck and keep US-All posted on how your life and garden is growing!






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