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Waking Up With free ebooks and more

on Wed, 05/19/2021 - 11:38
Good Morning and thought I'd share a bit of a free site I signed up for (from (where one can get the free ebook and I think there's an online free program). I can put more of the deets on my blog 
Overall the programs I hear are saying this is a special time in the "Gal'axy and she's waking up women to help heal our world and give us a shot at survival on many energetic and practical levels... so thought I'd help us all hear a bit more as we make time for that Possiblitiy..and 'cash in on being a healing friendly force' in the "You"niverse...with the divine on our side... 
Thanks for all everyone is doing, feeling and exploring to enjoy life and stay trusting that we're moving in BeYouToFull pathways to make the world a friendlier place.  I did get to show support and  talk to some of friends of a fellow who passed unexpectedly recently. One recalled a good fellow in spirit and the motto on his bar's tee shirt about ..."There are no strangers, only friends we haven't met yet...." 
That said we know some folks are stuck in the here and now physical realm and the 'cause and effect' dynamics at a rather base level and tend toward cheating and crime, not aware of the more mystical aspects of time and the big If in Life such that 'what goes around comes around when one is intending harm and negativity for others...' and that can factor into poor health and a lack of 'wellth and riches too...' 
So let's try to go with the higher vibe tribe...and let our 'hearts open wide to allow love to stream deep inside...with stars, moon and sun shining on on earth we all stand giving one another a hand... good morning dear friends...' (That's a rendition of a poem the kids would say in nursery school...)
 So hope we can pass that healing vibe on for ourselves to start the day and recall as we pray for others...that we're also praying for ourselves... Peace, love and light and let's 'shine bright like a diamond..." (and our late teen son  Kaelan who passed in 2009 in a drowning accident did like diamonds but realized the way they were obtained as jewels and such was devastating, so we'll go with the energetic sustainable spiritual diamonds...' HugEnergy and with love from above,,,Catherine




Emmi is an intuitive healer, wisdom keeper and a shamanic womb Priestess and teacher, dedicated to re-awakening ancient feminine wisdom. She is an initiate to a South African shamanic lineage and trained in womb shamanism (Fountain of Life and Sanctuary of Sophia), Zen Shiatsu and Usui and Lightarian Reiki. Emmi is also an advanced level EFT (EFTI), Matrix Reimprinting (MRA) and Heal Your Birth Protocols practitioner. In her sacred healing work, Emmi weaves these modalities together to create a magical experience for deep healing and transformation for women of all ages around the world, holding a safe, protected and non-judgmental space for the emergence of authentic connection, profound knowing and inner power. She works with women one on one and in groups, both face to face, online and in retreat settings with the intention of raising the frequency of our planet and fostering healing one womb at a time.

Emmi also hosts the Sacred Feminine Power podcast and runs House of Gaia, a suburban sanctuary and a centre for healing and transformation in Lusaka, Zambia. She is the creatrix of a soul-centred leadership training for female leaders of civil society organisations. With an MA in Human Rights, Emmi continues to support organisations in their quest to end injustice and inequality.