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"Turtle Power Reigns' read fast or slowly (and Dream Outloud)Read any post or letter in bits and pieces, Part 1, 2, 3, etc, skim etc

on Mon, 08/19/2013 - 15:12

Many of these posts are 'too long and complicated'. Please take your time as you need to, and read in sections. I may try to 'divide and conqure with with labelling them Part 1, 2, 3, etc with sub-headings (and summaries). I don't know all I will say until after I get going. I am an 'associative thinker' and feel it's a good skill others could allow themselves to explore.

Personal insights (or even those from others or in a group are lacking for similar reasons) are hidden from ourselves since we are often brainwashed, trained and otherwise kept from having frree time to think and play as children, in certain cultures or religions (imagine that!) or social groups (another aha! moment). We feel it's our duty to 'do the same to our kids' 'for their own good'...but we really need to get off of that train of thinking and modulate our directives...

Our plan-it is small and beautiful in part with the idea of ''Be YOU to be full' and real and allow your natural talents and skills to emerge. Too much tweaking takes away our gift for speaking, writing, thinking and envisioning a brighter future with the same amount of resources as far as we currently know ,Maybe it'll be a survival tactic to have DREAM TEAMS come up with New Good World Ideas in case we run out of practical fixer-upper ideas. Feel free to boast about one of your clever dreams (whether awake or asleep) or at least to post an 'I hear ya'.


One friend shared a dream of a turtle wanting to get out of shed..a huge turtle really in a small house. So, he was let out and ran as fast asa rabbit. Then the turtle was rounded up and strained his neck through a hole in the roof wanting to get out again...share some of the ideas that come to mind, don't worry about screening, making sense...impressions count. I'll share mine too next time around.

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