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The Turtle and The Acorn by Catherine Palmer Paton

on Mon, 01/16/2017 - 20:05

Feel free to skip this introduction and read the story of The Turtle and The Acorn. You can always come back to this part later. Either way, bon voyage and keep your eye on the acorn! Link to Google Doc to view only and consider this copyrighted (The Jewel Story too thanks):

On January 11th, 2008, I got inspired after going to the Option Institute in Sheffield MA (right on the border of Salisbury CT near Sage's Ravine where the Appalachian Trail continues from one state to the next, CT and MA.)

Acorns and Turtles were becoming more of an inspiration to me after learning about nurturing modes of rearing children, tending to them as though delicate plants in garden and trusting that the sunshine, fresh air, good food, family and friends wisdom would provide them with the most of what they would need to proceed with their earthly adventures and adult pursuits.Here's the quick link:

Acorns to Oaks is a theme I like to learn is 'as old as the hills' with wisdom that every acorn contains an oak tree or that like adults having grown from children, 'great oaks from little acorns grow.'

That idea over the course of mothering a small brood and caring for others like my own on and off throughout my life (not just children, but elders and some animals though other friends seem to have had that care and connection detail at the top of their life journey so I respect that realm more than pursued it so far...)

Living at a nature center and having many folks enjoy smaller and a few larger events made the magic of nature and the outdoors a fluid experience. Surrounded by nature, both mountains and rivers, forests and fields filled in the setting of the stories I would tell our children and others but was overall a very lovely way to live on planet heart over my first fifty years.

With many loved ones still in my family and friend circle, which has expanded nicely down in the the New York City area (Hello Brooklyn and all the beautiful peeps down thataway, not just the amazing little ones), the adventures continue...mine and many others I have been lucky to 'cross paths' with.

Not as easy has been bidding the earthly adieus to some very special people over the years, from classmates from grade school, high school (we're talking feeling like a big family kind of small towns there) and even in college at Vassar. Of course, that pattern of having friends and family members (mostly on the extended circuit but yes some closer  too, continued.)

Then real life learning that the sometimes reality unfolds in unforseen and difficult ways. We bid our teen son Kaelan an earthly farewell  in June 2009 as he helped rescue a few friends from a dangerous situation in the great outdoors.

We still carry him in our hearts, not only his family and large circle of friends but many who were moved to think of life in new ways and face 'that deep dark fear that something could happen that could take a loved one from us without warning.' Any part of that can be hard to ponder, but we are here and hopefully finding ways to find meaning in many gifts about being human and living in helpful ways with others. Feel free to take time to think of how the events I share or the story speaks to parts of your own life journey. Happy pondering, living and learning in fellowship.

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