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Think of the Little Things in Life..Even How Human Life Begins, yet sometimes ends shortly thereafter

on Mon, 09/24/2018 - 04:07
Thanks to a caring friend who shared this that many women have wanted to publicize more in decades past..but finding the words and venue was not easy..and still isn't but we can improvise.
Sept 21st was International Peace Day and as we seek peace on earth (and wars cease and aide is extended on that one day in most countries around the world) we can share out other hurts and hopes...and take a moment to light a candle in our hearts and thoughts... in memory of all those who 'almost got here' but didn't quite. We can feel gratitude for the ability to create life and honor ways we can use that power carefully with support and guidance.
We can respect that both males and females have important roles in creating viable eggs and sperm that are actually being affected by our food and environment in ways we cannot afford to ignore. Any that are used for in vitro are to be acknowledged with reverence and care. All the moreso for embryos whether implanted or not, we can take time to consider the choices and options people have in this world at this time. Being willing to talk things over with any woman or couple is a rare skill and calling.
Hopefully everyone who wants support can find meaningful resources in their personal and more public circles. Community-minded people could think ahead for upcoming generations and help more people have a realisitc idea of how much time, energy, money, talent and skill and love it takes to nurture new young lives and care for children over a few decades...
Every age group could keep an eye out for others in that realm...and women help other women and men do the same (help men..but as appropriate women also...and with the clarity and safety, maybe more online and on the phone, women help men figure things out as well.) Thanks for reposting this or as was started, what follows...
A baby born after a miscarriage or loss of a baby is referred to as a Rainbow baby. Today we remember all babies born sleeping, the ones we've carried but never met, those we've held but couldn't take home, the ones that came home but didn't stay. Make this your status if you or someone you know has suffered the loss of a baby. The majority won't do it, because miscarriage, still birth, ectopic pregnancy and SIDs is still a taboo subject. Break the silence. In loving memory of all the angels too perfect for earth.
Hold finger down and copy and paste (the last paragraph on Facebook) or this post as may be of interest.

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