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These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things...To Enjoy December and the Season, How About You?

on Sat, 12/17/2022 - 17:42

Who has time to go enjoy the light displays at night or at least go look at the stars? Many don't go driving at night , especially in cold weather, but for those who can maybe they can give someone a lift to see the local displays in town centers (trees often lit  with white or colorful lights, a Menorrah, signs of the season whether a nativity or more secular snowpeople, Santa and reindeer, wreaths and candles in windows (electric ones.)

Then there are musical events, brass bands playing carols and wintry songs, some people caroling outdoors or in and many lovely concerts and programs filling weekend and other days of the month. I was able to see the Grumbling Gryphons do a play with kids at a private school that had a message of 'stealing fire for the people' and sharing some Native songs and themes "Trickster Coyote Tales". With delightful sets and costumes, the few leads carried the show with kids joining in along the way, on stage and having the coyote give chase around the auditorium and mingling with them as well.

The Parade of Lights of firetrucks and many other vehicles and groups joining in the fun (and noise) drew nice crowds in Millerton NY, North Canaan, and Torrington CT (those I was able to catch, with the latter righr before The Nutcracker at The Warner Theatre which has its final dazzling performances this weekend. I may see the show again. They also have a live symphony playing music from that score in the smaller theatre, The Nancy Marine Studio Theatre, at 7:30pm. Check their site for other offerings to bring a little more magic to the season for all ages!)

Even with treacherous roads, the show went on last weekend in Torrington and also with Crescendo performing Baroque music and song at the lovely church site in Limerock CT (across from Limerock Race Track.) Many churches and faith groups are celebrating the season with special music and programs, so nice to enjoy that as part of the offerings as well. In Great Barrington MA Dec. 10th, 2022 the Holiday Stroll included live music, many activities along Main St and fireworks then a parade (noisy but I was settling in to hear Vocalis, a youth choir at St. James Episocal Chuch  which will host a Crescendo Concert on 12/30/22 at the end of the month (as will Limerock on 12/29/22.) 

The Falls Village Children's Theatre will do its own special Holiday Show today, Sat. Dec 17th at 3:30pm. Then the FV Recreation will be hosting some winter cheer outdoors from 4-6pm or so. That makes deciding what to do (Big Nutcracker show and a drive to Torrington vs homespun fun a nice problem to have.) After clearing a large tend of stored items (mainly putting them in a smaller one but going through things and managing not to slip on mud by putting down extra layers of cardboard I had in store and from stores, I earned a slice of pizza from Deano's in Lakeville CT (treating myself) then a good night's rest (reading and reflecting on the ups and downs of the past couple of decades...)

That made sleep all the more welcom and the 'hard won lessons and insights something I hope to put on a list to warn folks and save people time, energy, heartache, confusion and more... Planning for more peace on earth, much as a show about the 5 Tribes of Natives forming the Iriquois Confederacy from long ago when they realized through centuries of turmoil and finally agreeing they could treat each other with respect and a goal of peace, with The Peace Maker and Hiawatha (Iowantha) were instrumental in getting the five tribes to join together, with the most fierce and reluctant leader of the Onangada joining in last (and being invited to keep the sacred flame rather than pressured under threat to join, at the counsel of a woman leader Nokomis.) 

"An enemy of Hiawatha named Atotarho, killed the daughters one by one as they refused his advancements. Grieving over the loss of his daughters, Hiawatha retreated to the forest. While in exile he met the prophet Deganawida, most properly referred to as The Great Peacemaker....Nokomis taught Hiawatha about the wonders around them. She told him about the stars, the trees, the insects, the birds, the animals, and many other things. Hiawatha grew up to love them all."

Taking daily walks and enjoying the different times of the day, seeing the fields, rivers, woods and more as the first snow has fallen in the northwest corner of CT has made the season that much more lively. Shuffling about in the snow makes me think I'm ready to get crampons for my footwear, even if on one foot if I'm driving somewhere. I will get snow tires and have the car checked so my sleigh can get me where I need to go, maybe up mountains and on dirt roads and drives which can be tricky.

Never hurts to park and take a walk to the final destination. I'm almost ready to do some sledding and found using a large stroller helpful in moving things up and down a hill. I recall helping people in the city lift a stroller over a snowbank or help dig out a car now and then after a storm. I was able to clear our driveway with the nice snow shovel I got finally last year, but try to let people know I'm doing such a feat so they check that I return in a timely manner. 

As for enjoying food, that's part of the fun for this time of year and that includes a nice soup ( the recipe is on this blog in a title) and rather routine food but 'when hungry, everything tastes especially good!) I realize many people are vegetarian and I want to explore more of that but often land with having chicken, turkey or some red meat, prepared in a basic way and sometimes added to my daily soup.

Feeling well is key to enjoying every season so hopefully folks go easy on things that can throw off the immunity and blood sugars. That would include drinking more than makes sense too (especially if driving...and many do aspire to have a designated driver for anyone using substances or prone to getting tired or not handling bad weather well.)

Planning to have car keys, cell phones and funds etc handy and double check before leaving one's home and any other stops along the way can be a real plus, Maybe having 'A Checklist' by one's front door or other handy location to review and prepare for getting things done (list could include for shopping, mailing, dropping things off and picking things up, checking in on people, having basic wallet, keys, cell phone and charger and so forth as well as some snacks and water if there's a delay and one is out longer than planned.

An extra set of clothing and large plastic bag (or two) can be handy to stay warm should it get rainy or cold and needing to be out or wait in one's car. A flashlight, battery charger, making sure gas and air, oil and tires are all in good shape makes sense when the weather is nice.)

With more accountability of letting people know where one is going and what one's plans are, there may be other benefits to doing an errand for someone and feeling more secure about being in the loop. Meeting people along the way, when taking a break if shopping as I did the other day, can be an added treat. A woman who was from a large family and doing a lot still at age 80 was an inspiration.

Pacing one's days to have some 'down time' and again, travel with a plan to get errands done in a timely way, can be an overall 'win'. Enjoying the community events and efforts with online info and local papers (such as The Lakeville Journal of CT at or other online forums) can help one appreciate what it takes to keep the magic of community glowing and growing over the years! Happy Solstice, Christmas, Kwanzaa and New Year!

With more 'funny business in the air' for flu, RSV, Covid and so on, enjoying smaller gatherings even outdoors may make more sense, but the previews of rockin' in the New Year in NYC are already on television. Enjoy the rest of your year with a few of your favorite things, people, places and programs! Kudos for all you've done so far and good luck with dreams and teams to pull them off in the near future! Collaboration on all fronts is key to shared success and big fun!