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Taking A Quick Look At A Serious Issue the World Over..Women's Rights to not be 'you know what' and keep kids safe whether poor or rich

on Sun, 01/09/2022 - 17:43 describes a case in England wherein a mother is given the right to share more publicly about abuse she suffered from a man she had married and had a child with. The Guardian appointed by a the court for the child as well as the father were insisting all of their names be anonymous to protect the child's privacy, but in the end the rights of the woman to 'tell her story without interference from authorities' (or as in the courts in America it is said 'to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth' would seem a reasonable forum to convey concerns but often a 'gag order' is put on a victim or strongly requested by the other party to put in place 'voluntarily' to proceed with other parts of an agreement or finalize a custody or divorce without going to trial, etc. There should be studies done on these aspects of what has happened over the decades along these lines to inform people that many agreements are made with some form of coercion, threat, high cost or other difficulty and compromise that is not safe, fair or reasonable to one or possibly both parties or not the minor offspring.)

So this is a rather Heavy Topic and would be one worth taking time to learn more about in the USA with the study recently shared by George Washington Univ. Professor Joan Meier in an extensive study of 10K cases over ten years. The findings were that in the majority of high conflict cases when a male accused of being abuser sought custody of the children, he got it, usually when there were counter allegations of 'parental alienation' meaning the protective mother was alleged to have turned the child against their father or fed them lies rather than consider the child and mother were telling the truth about adult or child abuse.

The steadfast advocates from CA Protective Parente Association and others across the US were behind promoting a federal bill to prioritze Children's Safety  in Custody Cases, believing victims and protecting mothers and children (or in the less common cases of fathers and children if a mother were truly abusive or unstable.) Here is some of that Bill's goals. From online info, Joan Meier also hopes to establish a national clearinghouse of custody rules and guidelines for each state to clarify what they can do to align with these standards (if I read things correctly...stay tuned for that and also if this Bill ever got to the Senate or may in the future.)

Passed House amended (09/25/2018)

Expresses the sense of Congress that:

  • child safety is the first priority of custody and parenting adjudications, and courts should resolve safety risks and claims of family violence before assessing other best interest factors;
  • all evidence admitted in custody and parenting adjudications should be subject to evidentiary admissibility standards;
  • evidence from court-affiliated or appointed fee-paid professionals regarding adult or child abuse allegations in custody cases should be considered only when the professional possesses documented expertise and experience in the relevant types of abuse, trauma, and the behaviors of victims and perpetrators;
  • states should define required standards of expertise and experience for appointed fee-paid professionals who provide evidence to the court on behaviors of abuse victims and perpetrators, specify requirements for the contents of such professional reports, and require courts to find that any appointed professionals meet those standards;
  • states should consider models under which court-appointed professionals are paid directly by the courts, with potential reimbursement by the parties after due consideration of the parties' financial circumstances; and
  • Congress should schedule hearings on family courts' practices with regard to children's safety and civil rights.