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From Steven Greer's Version of the Future to What's Going on Now on Earth...A Big Set of What-If's and Survival Possibilities! No foolin'!

on Sat, 10/29/2022 - 05:32

First things first, Steven Greer gave a talk online recently saying there is a way to have a better source of power to help our planet and humanity waltz into the next critical decades rather than climb with our fingenails up the side of a rocky hill. There are many aspects of our society and government he asserts that we do not know about, nor do many in the public government . So if that's the case, more could look over what he shared in Unacknowledged and Disclosure (and many other topics on youtube.) He covers a few decades of his work and urging a kind of Civil Rights Movement for our modern times, to advocate for humanity to insist we take a new course regarding powering our planet. Hopefully many thousands can listen to what he has to say ...and I'll see what exact steps he'd want someone to take from there. I am grateful for al he has done. This is First Responders Day...and I do homor and support the many good-hearted people in the line of caring for or being ready to quell a situation or otherwise speak with people and consider reaching out to them via phone. If we had neighborhood captians who have the detials of each person in their area voluntarily given to them then they could let know others will see their info and to block someone if they reallyare annoying you and one needs a break. But if each class and area has a FB page, more could be wirtten to reflect what a studient and their loved ones really need to learn about. I hope this is helpful and I'll switch to another topic next...

I'd love to share some insights I have had in the past few weeks about a lot of things... preventing problems in part by getting more people to share their experiences from real life when someone got hurt or injured, involved in legal problems or with police (almost arrested, told not to have contact or had protective or restraining orders put in place when there were no grounds for that...such as for a protective parent or caregiver to be harassed or put through the paces by a spouse or partner, someone they had taken care of, an elderly person getting dementia or who was on medications that might cause some disordered thinking, or another person who is compromised mentally and/or physically who may be depressed or paranoid.) I'd like to take the time to explore reasonable ways to improve and 'shore up our societal understanding' of what it takes to rear children today (compared to each of the past 4 decades or so) and glean wisdom for the sake of 'protecting and nurturing children' and also respecting and supporting parents at each stage of the game (from before partnering or having a pregnancy or doing in vitro etc) right on through pregnancy and birth, the first few weeks and months and 'onward ho!'

Once the grasping of objects and toddling about starts, the caregivers really need to keep an eye on a child in a direct way if they are in a room or outside. Even before that, outside could mean bugs or bigger critters or people coming around who may be a not good to leave kids in a yard to play or sit outdoors in a playpen or carseat in a car if an adult is not present. If near a road that can bring more potential problems and in many places it is against the law to leave them alone in a car even for a few minutes if no other  responsible teen or adult is watching them. Again there are some tricky or troubled adults and youths who may be a problem, so best to keep kids close. Not easy to do so sometimes, so more planning for trips and such is key.

Now before I get into other diversions..but big topics like having a thorough accounting of what happened if a person of any age is injured or especially if killed even if accidentaly would show that justice and respect, learning and acknowledgment with apologies from all people factoring into a tragic turn of events is a shared value and appropriate standard. Our current societal and justice systems are not advocating for victims of benign neglect and confusion on the part of responsible parties such as parents, teachers, communities, and other youths as far as I can tell. There could be voluntary accountability systems developed (and which I'll help map out to get the ball rolling, and it can include an ethic of forgiveness insofar as people are human, fallible and a mix of motives and skill sets and emotions.

But if willing to learn and abide by reasonable standards of care and supervision, then acknowledgements can be made when one or more people fall short of upholding agreements and guidelines that should be reviewed regularly from the top down and from the ground up, each school and family reviewing the expected behaviours of all people in a household and again on a wider level. That would mean 'no yelling, name-calling or put-downs' as a basic guideline. More willingness to learn about the dynamics of power and control and not to take advantage of people who are in their family, household, social circle and community if one has more clout, finances, social and other skill sets that could be used to exclude people from places and events that are deemed of a public place or event or other more subtle ways of bullying and excluding people from programs whether at faith groups, libraries, school, sport, arts or other groups and programs. Finding ways to include people and allow more to have a way to ask for help and be involved in 'running the show' or joining in approved activities that are not high risk or even spontaneous without enough responsible aduld supervision are all key points for each state and region and town to review and to advocate for all.