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Some Pointers About Using Zoom for Meetings or In General..

on Wed, 11/24/2021 - 04:02

In Case You Are New to Zoom or Orientation to a job, I thought I'd share what I was given by an organization that helps Personal Care Assistants (chosen by their employer rather than through an agency, but likely very similar trainings may be required to start working or restart if one has taken time off and has not heard of the options to join a union and what a job entails. In this case there is a handbook to review online with many of the details covered in the training, but it's important for an organization, even a large one, have a record of people taking an orientation and training. An employer may opt to do the training on their own with their PCA (or other position) with curriculum available online.I will share as much as I can about this helpful program and also hope others are informing more in their circles to help them take advantage of the services or create something similar if possible.) So here's for anyone wanting to learn about Zoom...and orientation sign up.

Even if you have used Zoom before, please read the below instructions for how to access the Zoom Orientation (for whichever kind of job may require this...)
Preparing your device for your Orientation session.
Your device (SmartPhone, Tablet, Laptop, etc.) must have a working camera AND you must be able to access this email account on the device you plan to watch the Zoom Orientation.
If you do not have Zoom already downloaded on the device you will use on your Orientation day, follow these instructions for Downloading AND using Zoom:  Smart Phone (Android or iPhone)
•    Please click on this link to watch a short YouTube video on how to download and use Zoom:  
•    You will have to make a free Zoom account by going here:
•    This below link takes you to the website and you then click “Download Zoom Client for Meetings”
•    Once you have downloaded the app, you are ready to join your Orientation on the day you Enrolled by following the next set of instructions
Instructions for HOW to Access the Orientation on your Orientation day:
•    24 hours before the date of the Orientation you registered for ( ex. 11/23/2021 5:30 PM), you will receive an email which includes the Zoom Link for your Orientation
•    On the date of your Orientation, go to that email received 24 hours earlier, and within the email click on the Zoom Link a few minutes before your Orientation is to begin and pre-register to gain access to the Orientation
•    DO NOT go directly to the Zoom app to join the Zoom Orientation – go to the email we send you 24-Hours in advance of the Orientation
•    DO NOT PRE-REGISTER after your start time 5:30 PM, ALL late PCAs will be required to reschedule
•    Prior to your Orientation start time, Click on the Zoom Meeting Link in the email
•    Answer the Pre-registration questions, click submit
•    You may be prompted to enter the Meeting ID.  This will be included in the 24-hour advance email we send you
•    You will now be in the Zoom “Waiting Room.”  When your Trainer is ready, they will allow you to enter the Training. *You must be connected with audio and video; you cannot use the dial-in feature that Zoom offers.
•    When you are waiting, check to see if your SCREEN NAME is your legal name (i.e. Janet Rodgers).  If it is not correct, a trainer may attempt to send you a message through “chat” or may simply talk to you on screen to get your legal name and change your SCREEN NAME for you