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The Show Called September is Up and Running... Thanks for Doing Your Part with Peace and Teamwork in Mind as well as Rest to do your Best!

on Wed, 09/01/2021 - 16:40

 The recipe for Veggie Soup (with Chicken Broth if preferred) is something the kids will help prepare and will want more of (maybe with some healthy bread and butter  to dip in too whether pureeing or not...) Add a bay leaf and sage as desired too> It has been kid-tested and a 'cup a day' will get the veggies in the body too. Eating more 'Good Food' will help kids and others crave less "Junk Food". The blood sugar levels get used to treats and sweets versus healthy nurturing food...and too many people don't realize the sugar in most juice, soda and even green tea lemonade (something a bit healthy but mixed with that five letter immune weakening substance...sugar.)

Hope everyone's off to a great start of September and all that brings (School, Work, Shorter Daylight...and Happy Events Too even online and with masks and such if in groups.) Okay so check out BrainTime free offer (and the free videos) on their website...with info about the free trial on my blog

I am happy to network with folks to rev up that awesome sense of community (again with folks at home, in school, on the go or on the slow...) since 'we're in this together and all wanting things to get better...' Please be a 'Bucket Filler" (as one book promotes and many schools advocate.) Give people Second Chances in September (and each month of the year, as much as needed as long as safe and sensible and be responsible for one's own experience...judging, blaming and so on since one may be biased more than is healthy.

Also Step Away from someone or something for a short time (or maybe longer) if someone or something or some place is bothering you (by chance or intentionally...) Create and allow space and quiet rather than react...and try to Think when Calm with a Support Person or Team (ideally ongoing to see if there are patterns that one may be blaming others for...) Okay hope that's helpful! Best to all and on with the Show Called September (and each month thereafter) in 2021 and through the decade and beyond..