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Sharing Links to Sites for Art, Projects and Inspiration from others. Treat Yourself and Check them out!

on Sun, 01/09/2022 - 15:07 is where you'll find artwork and offerings by Dr. Laurie Moore who has a site also. She's 'based' in Hawaii but has a presence and travels that may land her in other places, planes and if lucky with people you know, maybe even yourself! Best to all for a delightful 2022, all things considered.


Also for inspiration and support, see with award-winning talented Eve Wilson and sign up for her inspiring helpful blog posts too!

Step Inside the Circle  by Fritzi Horstman may move you to  did me and I knew some of the downward spiral concerns this effort is bringing to light. But to see a few hundred prisoners gather in a circle and step closer into the circle acknowledging they were mistreated, abused, harmed and possibly lost their lives (as one shares in the after circle talk) even around being born is without denial, alarming and heartbreaking..

.Yet there is hope and a way to reverse the trend of punishing those who have suffered ACEs, Adverse Childhood Experiences and often grew up in poverty with limited support in the community even if their family system was not traumatizing.

Let's Prevent Harm Across the Country, Every zip code and walk of life needs a system to keep vulnerable people safe at all ages and stages of life, especially if needing care for ADL's, Activities of Daily Living to get up and about, eat and have a life. It's not too much to ask or agree makes sense for these modern times. Thanks again to all working on such projects.

I heard of this from 1985 Vassar Classmate Edward Kamp (same class as the Friends TV star Lisa Kudrow too, so plenty of talent in our classs and college with plenty helping improve the world, hurrah!)

Vassar is going to reduce its carbon footprint and welcomes donations too from all. They give back to the Poughkeepsie NY and many communities through offerings, the art museum and of course the alums who do great work far and wide.

Thanks for thinking along those lines and ways to encourage more people to enjoy reading, education, networking and teaming up to improve the world with a group mindset. See what I share on Turtle Garden Permaculture Game and Circle of Friends for 'starting out with fresh eyes and ideas' and a helpful design process of any project.

There's a documentary about Lisa Kudrow's family history in which some lost their lives in in a horrendous takeover of their town. I don't watch much TV in general so was grateful to learn of that aspect of her life as she herself had come to discover it and braved sharing it.

"There is no shame" is important to allow each person to say and feel in terms of allowing forgiveness to flow. Some feel it needs to be granted from others, a spiritual guide or particular one at that...and yet the overall 'release and receiving of grace' is an 'inside job' one's heart, mind and intention to allow for the flow of love and care for oneself and others to win the day.

Peace and light to all pursuing such paths when it's not exactly easy to focus on such serious needs or find ways to connect..but the more the merrier in this healing journey.

As humanity heals and strengthens we can craft a safe, clear path to the future before AI, Artificial Intelligence and other powerful systems 'take matters into their own hands and domains, computer and otherwise..." Best to everybuddy to pursue the Care in Careers, sounds like a sensible heartwarming plan,yes?

PS Thanks for making a donation or sharing the link to Kudos to Fritzi Horstman and crew too!