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Reflections on the Tragic Loss of Rayshard Brooks to Police Gunfire

on Wed, 06/17/2020 - 17:07

 After watching a few minutes of this I was wondering why they didn't call an ambulance or a friend to pick him up as an option... There's so much that can be improved in this kind of situation, and when someone may need help it's just not the time to overdue the arrest path..

. For everyone's sake, having more of a team to address such matters makes sense and clear protocol for subduing someone needs to be understood by everyone.

Rayshard Brooks was showing signs of mental confusion that could have been from other causes than alcohol...and hopefully anyone drinking would have someone sober and competent holding their keys and even not having them in a car more than necessary without supervision since clearly people can become agitated, confused and then some...

Planning to be somewhere and stay the night at that location is best...and short of that, reliable chaperones for someone under the influence would be a helpful step.

Everyone could get their A1C tested to see if they have blood sugar imbalance, insulin resistance markers and more.If your doc won't order that for you, you can get that done from an independent lab...and the see Dr. Ritamarie and others for basic advice about what a healthy set of numbers is, even a fasting blood sugar in the Am and a few times throughout the day, and after eating. The numbers from the medical world vary and often 'wait til it's too late' to prevent insulin resistance and pre-diabetes...and even diabetes. See what and sure the ADA says too, American Diabetes Association.

Many people become diabetic due to sugar intake from soda and alcohol, yet may not realize that...and craving more sugar is a sign of diabetes as is excessive thirst.

That's just one kind of physical imbalance to be aware of. Head trauma, mental health issues due to high or low levels of dopamine, lithium etc are also worth noting. Let's work together to discover root causes of imbalance and incompetency and realize some people have a high tolerance for alcohol or drugs but they can still have impaired thinking and intermittent physical problems .

May Rayshard Brooks and his family get justice and the police reform help more police 'withhold deadly force' even if it is permissible if there are other options available, including calling in more back up and retreating from someone who is unarmed and unstable to de-escalate a situation.

If more role plays to address such turns of events and teach the public about options and penalties (and rewards for police to back down as allowed) then fewer cases like this would be happening. It helps not to drive in general if someone has had mental health glitches, high or low times of emotional life events or even going in new places.

Maybe more driving services could be helping people afford Uber and other rides and have other support people available (if not a protective screen between the passenger and driver, etc.)

I have hoped for more of an independent reliable team of escort people (fingerprints, background checks and so on) for women and even men if riding alone in services, or having women drive women and mainly men drive men to avoid other problems that have happened with ride services.

Okay that's just the start of what could be thought out...Helping one another learn from tragic and difficult events is a shared responsibility. It's worth mapping out the options and learning from the 'What If's and ways to make amends and things safer moving forward...

Best of that to everyone...and PM me if you have a situation you want me to think through...(you can change the names and so on so I wouldn't have to testify or be ordered to turn things over though even say What If this happened to a friend of a friend... may not cover all the just say you'd like to talk something over and then there won't be a record...)

I know that sounds 'out there' but that may be the most helpful way for many people to reach out for help and think things through...

A letter can be sent to me also without any identifying info and I can blog about it with a code word you put in there...that may be a big help, but in small towns any situation can Ring a Bell so if you're local put that in their so I can add other details to make it less obvious...)

Maybe more people could have an additional 'public mailbox' which would accept notes and flyers from anyone to spur advocacy.

Okay so that oughta get the ball rollin' in the right direction toward helping one another..

When we want things that are in alignment with our highest good and that of others then the way things play out can be nice and not have backwash as it were, according to my healing teacher friends..

. See Project One by Ali Storm for more ideas about all doing better together...