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Really Awesome to Be Back Here Again With Y'All! June 8, 2024 onward ho!

on Sat, 06/08/2024 - 16:20

Hello to Everyone in my Livfully World! How Are YOU Doing?! I've missed you and connecting more than I realized since I was  on and seem to only be on one social medial platform at a time...I'm coming up on the one year mark of starting the house on (and the app on the mobile phone, Android or Apple iPhone which is how I found it to be convenient and really worth investing in the unlimited cell phone coverage plan monthly with autopay...about $50/month and I own the phone so no insurance on that (but I did get a glass cover for it to protect the screen and that cost another 50 bucks or so...for lifetime replacement of the screen.) But back to what is on clubhouse on my Safety PLANS Can Save Lives--Watch Kids! house...which covers many topics...about watching out for ourselves and others with a sense of TEAM..

From what I'm hearing from or org with Peter Roth on his Energy Stew podcast (and a monthly TV show he hopefully will post about or I will soon) and many others, we could pause and appreciate the many positive normal aspects of being a human being. We all matter, a ton, even if there's not much matter to us 'in reality...' We are Waaayy more than physical beings, and our personalities, likes and skills, dislikes and foibles. We are the Real Deal when it comes to being rather Amazing...each and every one of us.

Hopefully we can appreciate that and let the 'small stuff' of trauma and drama melt away so we can emerge as awesome team players...being respectful, wise and cooperative with the new good stuff coming into our lives (at long last or even on the first venture into making more conscious choices and using our voices...literally to hear who we are and what we are wanting to we want to actualize and all that jazz. See what Grace Gravestock offers along those lines and many others (again from the podcast guests on Peter Roth's Energy Stew and more. )

I need to tend to some other gardens and projects on this second Saturday in June 2024. Let's map out more ways to make the most of each day for peace to heal our hearts and the planet with much love from above and all around and what's powerful and important to tune in and work with the help at hand. Peace, love, light, information and guidance day by day...

Thanks for being part of this unfolding journey of discovery and growing circles of care with many angels guding many angles of our lives. Special healing and support for all to venture into the next part of June with friendship and kindness toward self and others, more time to plan and 'doublehceck' supports and details to help projects and bigger events and agreements (relationship and graduations, weddings,special events, family and community gatherings.) Having more time and guidance to plan transportation and back up plans (more time ahead and even after the main parts of an event...) and extra snacks and food, travel supplies and help to care for things at home (people, pets, plants, projects, getting mail and all that jazz) can help things run smoothly. Focusing on the greater love and support and letting 'small stuff' be tabled for another discussion time or asking AI for quick solutions and ways to move toward ease and harmony is as simple as Asking A Few Questions...with google, Siri or a friend or even oneself then Listen and learn some new info and ideas and 'press restart' with mindset and energy to engage verbally, by text or in writing, journal for oneself or otherwise reflect on deep breathing, relaxation moments throughout the day from waking to meal times and fresh air times or looking outdoors and washing one's hands (and face etc to Stay Cool), have refreshing drinks and nibbles and again start anew with each project and person one is interacting with or thinking of...

On that 'merry and caring' note, sending all much love and support to believe in yourself and the many supporting you over your lifetime, both here and in angel form and many other positive forces in nature, the earth and sun, stars and moon, plants and animals, earth of many layers, rocks and waters, traditions and energy of humanity...we've got oceans of life and support for everyone to upgrade into a more healed helpful way of being on the planet and caring about others near and far, known or not and much more. Okay, have a sparkling day and summmer and prayers for peacefor transitions for all exiting the mortal form each day...and gratitude for their lives and journeys...and next reincarnation (if that is the case) to be positive and easy. Blessings also for all here and those new incarnating and being born each day...the next wave of healers and teachers coming to our collective aid and inspiration at this meaningful time in human shared history and herstoy...ourstory!