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Part One of the Next Two Posts (so 3 total): From the hopeful and lovely to the uglier and legally nightmarish or worse, sorry to share, but really what choice do we have if we want to solve the problem and not just be a silent, complicit part of IT?

on Sun, 03/27/2016 - 02:58

Lovely greeting to Beautiful You (or Me in the letter I received from an online group called Powerful You, so thanks for that folks there). I know that word Beautiful is one growing in advertising, but as many know, Kaelan used it too as a greeting to folks...Hello Beautiful.

When I thought on that as well as the intention he was affirming in the person as a good soul..I asked 'what is the real meaning of the word, energetically, soulfully..." and came up with Be You to Full...I realize others have heard it that way or worked it into ads since my own insight into that meaning..and it can pertain to each of us on our journey in life..This post is about 'crafting a life that resonates with our true calling'.

That idea of using 'crafting' just popped into my mind even though I have again used that to speak to Crafting Clear Safety PLANS (People living, learning, loving and listening with Agreements and Alliances (often much more is achieved through using a mediator even to help convey a written or recorded message...most issues are assisted by having a couple of advocates for each person involved and a couple of neutral parties to truly see 'what each person is requesting, clarify reasonable boundaries and guidelines and have ways to monitor agreements as they are implemented and used for the first days, weeks and months as may be the case), Networking through School Groups (these are tru)e hubs of society where our children and future talent and healthy people are being nurtured and educated for their own well-being and finding ways to belong and use their skills and energy in the world, not only make a living for their own necessity or desire, Socializing and Society.

Well, let's keep dreaming out loud and realize the heart chakra or center of our being is key to tuning into for self-awareness and care and connection with the divine or greater field of energy to work for higher purposes. Simple 'tuning in' minutes before you open your eyes, to live with a sense of gratitude and connection with the greater good, the divine (if that resonates in whatever tradition you are part of that is based on respect and safety for all people....and let's face it that's not easy, since most religions strap people into lifelong commitments with no easy change lanes if their mental, physical, emotional or social feelings or experience shifts significantly.

At the same time the civil laws of any land, even the US, punish someone severely with fines, fees and threats of losing access to their children if they try to find a safer or saner way to rear their children apart of an abusive male partner...Not pretty but that is a set of facts and other key advocates of many decades are trying to clarify for people.

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