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The Original Post that Got Me Thinking...About Many Related Ways to View Such Troubles and the Loss of Life

on Tue, 12/06/2022 - 19:18
 The following is what I shared on an online forum about the recent tragic passing of the lovely young person, Athena Strand, who is a hero for our times to herald the cause of what children and other vulnerable people are facing, more than most,  but of course anyone can be a victim of an attack by an unstable person or even random more accidental situation.
"All of life is an act of faith" one of my good friends offered when I was perplexed about the passing of Princess Diana and had shared the idea that she and Mother Teresa who passed around the same time were a 'sister and mother to us all' and were helping us 'connect the strands of love among humanity, like the strands of spider's web connecting our hearts'.
hat was something I shared with the biggest forum I knew at the time, The Lakeville Journal of CT in our hometown area, still online and now a non-profit needing ongoing support but getting a big boost from Meryl Streep and Sam Waterston, after over 2000 other papers (and many radio stations) have closed in the last many years.
Now we have the online forums and with encouragement more people can weave wisdom and care together to help many more people in a timely fashion. This disheartening event has spurred our hearts to affirm life in the positive ways most in our country do value. There's plenty to reflect on and I allow myself to explore 'wherever the pen or idea leads..'
There is a program I have from SociSNAP (and a link I can share if you message me on FB, Livfully, and can explore more about helping more get tuned into sharing ideas with wider circles.) I have other resources on this blog and a public FB page with my name as well, Catherine Palmer Paton. Let's make a stronger network for all in these important times to help promote more sharing and caring, even when we've had setbacks like this. T
he Artist's Way book helps many tune into healing and promoting creativity (and often meditation, connecting with one's breath and resources such as from and others) can help one grow a tribe of positive folks.
The offering monthly by Jenn McLean with an online or phone call on the 22nd of this month and next year on the 23rd of each month is one resource more can enjoy (with replays from over the years so a real treasure trove.) Who knows how many problems she has helped address and people 'get in touch with their interests and tribes to be part of the healing response so needed in these times? Those with the wisdom and ways to connect can help guide many in humanity and usually people are honest and able to follow through with agreements, so those are also helpful guidelines to appreciate.
Best to everyone and let's be there for ourselves and others in balanced ways. Cheers to all wh have joined in these efforts connected to my and Letters to the Editor for decades and other advocacy (again much shared recently here and easy enough to support through many good non-profits and NGOs, non-government organization and other faith groups, medical and volunteer efforts and much more!
We Can all be on winning teams when it comes to healing and helping (all including ourselves) in balanced honest ways, one day, one hour and one minute to the next! Even a few deep breaths and relaxing or resting one's eyes (when safe to do so) counts!
 My FB Online Post in the Forum about Athena Strand's passing, taken by a Fed Ex Driver who one reader said sparked a feeling she would always be triggereed by the sight of such a truck.
The delivery company often uses a network of other services, so it's not just on them. There was no red flag on his chart, so that needs to remind people there are not always warnings as a show about teen Elizabeth Thomas (a student groomed and abducted but thankfully not killed though violated by a "respected" teacher even after a problem was identified...and clearly would have been ideal to have her at a different school or really removed from town with support until he was put under 24/7 surveillance voluntarily...if he didn't have anything to hide.
Maybe he could have gotten serious psych help since but was left to decline. The nationwide Amber Alert helped locate them and yet more victims need support (the wife of the troubled man for instance should have had a major intervention for safety for her and her kids....) Over the decades we are learning, slowly and hopefully with more meaningful networks to identify the ways to Stay Safe and Not Allow the Crimes to Continue (which is often the case even in custody cases where there is abuse.)
The bigger problem is too many males have an issue with hearing or seeing someone who is vulnerable and not taking advantage or harming them.Some say 'they can't control themselves' but that would be a clue to have a support person remind them of daily routines and to not go to places or be around people that they may not relate well too (yell at, blame, feel they are being coaxed by and more.)
It's a 'power and control' issue, and maybe one linked to hormonal levels and many other psych/socialization issues, maybe even 'past life' issues.
Finding ways to keep people tuned into the possibility of being an energetic being not only a physical one can help deflate that sense of difference and wanting to harm others rather than to get support.
Some people have deep shame or violation issues and really don't know the Bigger Possibilities, so are caught up in short-term culturally scripted dramas.
Not having enough early on or at times can throw people into desperate mindsets and with the cost of living going up it could create other waves of seeing Differences as greater than the Similarities.
Clearly this young person was a far more evolved person than the one taking a life. If he can become honest (if allowed to function in prison....which is another widespread problem) maybe we could hear more of 'what he thinks factored into his crime...and whether this was a first.'
More people who are prone to giving into their 'distorted thinking or wanting to have their way, treating others as objects or pawns' need help finding ways to live in an accountable way and not be around people or places that they may violate.
As for youth and others, everyone needs to be more accountable for where they are, who they are with and not trust society to be looking out for them since many people are not team players. See more about domestic abuse (often families and social groups are involved in harm to one another.
Gangs for instance account for a lot of violence as well. But that may link back to poverty or having a hard time making ends meet as well as needing to be included or being pressured to join for one's own 'protection'.
The setting of a quiet neighborhood is one that is unusual and yet a reminder of the need for doing what we can to help every family and school have shared support for all families and address practical care matters as a child develops and any challenges come up.
It's work to have positive routines and support and may families are stressed with doing the basics (and going to school is a job as is being prepared for the programs, routines and ongoing issues whether an 'intact' family or one with other dimensions, step-families, daycares and caregivers, support groups and programs whether at a faith group, sports, music, arts and community events.
Some people are not involved in much at all and also not aware how to ask for help or join in, and that goes for many people over a lifetime, so more help including everyone and offering support 'for the little things' calls, FB groups and ways to stay connected may be a more helpful strategy every age group, school and community can use to 'connect the strands of hope, faith, support and care' on all levels...including at this time for this family and area.