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One, Two, Three and Everybody for Hillary! FB posts and more add up in our Hour of Need to Get her Elected!

on Sat, 09/10/2016 - 16:04

 To FB folks who were promoting Electing Hillary and Everybuddy Else on Her Team:

 I'm sure Hillary is happy to have you and US-All on her team! Still need to get the word out to more and not rest easy. Everyone and everything 'gardens' and needs to be an active team player (and even pace the race of their own lives to help the planet stay in balance.) Getting to the polls is very important so bigger cities and even smaller ones need to get rides and such in order for those in need. All the best and FB matters for helping spread the words to put down the swords of despair and confusion. 

Reggie Harris wrote a powerful endorsement as well and even explored ways all men could become more compassionate about the plight of women. Would a male candidate be criticized as much as Hillary, is there misogyny becoming a strong factor in trying to keep Hillary from the White House Office as President? Hmmm. worth a thought or two, but mainly key is to GET THE VOTE OUT, not to be Complacent, and To Help Others Register for Absentee Balllots in a timely way so they can be returned by mail (even requests etc).

All Democrats need to learn What they Can Do for Local and National Elections. Let's learn what that is exactly together.. Here's to seeing Hillary as President in November and knowing we made a difference now in September. While the 9-11 anniversary date is upon us let US-All take out liberties to heart and consider ways we can prevent problems for others and ourselves by practicing good self-care and advocating for care and safety in wider circles. Thanks for exploring the options and sharing the road to happiness, health and well-being for greater numbers of people we can learn to think of as team players!

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