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NYC Small Business Services... A Letter to the Small Business Community in NYC but one to appreciate far and wide

on Thu, 03/18/2021 - 21:40
Info As Shared from the NYC Small Business Services:
Dear Small Business Community,
The last 12 months have left deep marks in the fabric of our society. We’ve endured immense heartbreak watching friends, family, and neighbors suffer from illness. We’ve seen heinous acts of xenophobia, racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, islamophobia, and antisemitism inflicted on our community.
The horrific anti-Asian, anti-woman violence that took place in Georgia this week shook us to our core. It showed the country the fear that many of us feel every single day. It showed the country that worry carries the heaviest weight. It is a deeply troubling feeling to acknowledge that hatred is not our new enemy, though its reach has been amplified over the past year.
And yet every day we wake up and we show up for work, we run our businesses, we volunteer.
Since the start of COVID-19, we have seen a sharp increase in instances of hostility and harassment directed at Chinese and other Asian communities related to COVID-19 stigma and misinformation. We are combatting this stigma through our Asian American Small Business Taskforce, designed to offer SBS and other agencies a space to hear firsthand about the unique challenges and needs of this community. We thank our coalition of 30 community groups and other partners for making time and space to work with us to make our city stronger and more equitable.
As we reopen, it is important to acknowledge that recovery for one means recovery for all. We remain committed to our mission of diversity, equity, and inclusion for all New Yorkers.
It is a personal responsibility for each of us to stand up to hate. We all have a right to live free of fear and discrimination.
I encourage you to take the time you need to mourn, to acknowledge your real feelings, and to use the resources below. And remember, you are not alone. SBS is always here for you, your business, and your community.
Commissioner Jonnel Doris
Seek Mental Health Support
  • Visit Thrive NYC to see the full suite of no-cost mental health resources for all New Yorkers.
  • If you are employed by the City of New York, we encourage you to check out WorkWell NYC for additional resources for City staff.
Report Harassment
  • Are you or someone you know the victim of harassment? Call 311.(in NYC)
  • If you are the victim of a crime or witness a crime, call 911. NYPD officers are not allowed to ask about your immigration status. Learn more at
  • Do you have a hate incident to report? Help document the recent rise in hate crimes against Asian American elders by going to
Sign up for Bystander Intervention Training
  • The Commission on Gender Equity and Hollaback are co-hosting “Stand Up Against Street Harassment” training. Check out their training calendar here.
  • The Commission on Human Rights is also hosting bystander intervention trainings to address hate crimes affecting multiple communities. These trainings are offered in multiple languages. See the full calendar here.
  • Can’t make one of the trainings? Download the “Stay Safe from Hate: How to Protect Yourself in Threatening Situations” booklet from the Asian American Federation. This booklet is available in five Asian languages (Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Tagalog, and Vietnamese) and includes verbal de-escalation strategies, bystander techniques, non-violent communication strategies, and physical defense techniques. Download here for free.