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Nothing Like A Symphony in September to Help Your Remember It! See (Greater Bridgeport Symphony) with Online Options

on Wed, 09/15/2021 - 02:12

It's worth seeing what's happening online (and in person) with the Greater Bridgeport Symphony of CT. They have great graphics and perks too so head on over to (sounds simple enough, right?) If you're more of a Theatre Person, see what's cookin' at The Warner Theatre...and at their Nancy Marine Studio (not online but worth getting to Torrington CT to see their plays and concerts in both venues.) Shop around in your area and online. Maybe check out what's on which I read in Main Street Magazine has been helpful to many to find their tribe for interests and networking...Let's be lonely together or brave learning or share skills. We can and must go bravely into the future...and every day is a gift so let's be open to the present, shall we...

It's almost Internataional World Peace Day September 21st, so that's worth celebrating as are those born this month (from the past and present and into the future.) That said let's pay close attention to what's happening and Not Happening in Texas in terms of human rights...on all fronts, this is something we should not sit idly by and not consider. I have a few posts over the years about the gift of life and also the responsiblity of each person to consider their options with care...but the legal, safe and reasonable option for abortion that has been in place for fifty years has been set back, taken off the table and put in the realm of criminal and not available to someone seeking that option in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.

Those in Texas only have six weeks to determine if one is pregnant and what their choice is to keep or end the pregnancy, or risk a miscarriage as is the case one out of three times. Even having a miscarriage may come under scrutiny as it has in some countries, with women being punished as though having an illegal abortion. As covered on NPR Radio in the US and online, the rule of law and way decisions are made in states and our country nationally is under scrutiny as well. I thought it strange one story used the term 'other states may adopt similar abortion regulations..."

We really need to have serious think tanks and outreaches to all women and providers to understand these serious and important matters on all fronts. Many are concerned that women will seek illegal or unsafe abortions if there are no licensed, capable providers available to them legally. Let's be aware of all aspects of what a person is facing and protect the right to choose, allowing much more support and practical education about relationships, the cost of living and ways to live respectfully and safely for all seeking to do that from young ages through the decades.

With the Plan B ("morning after" usually up to a few days and some say about six days...but check with your medical provider) pill which prevents a pregnancy but does not end one, and many forms of contraception available, the overall number of abortions has gone down over the decades I think I've read but need to do more research.

Hopefully everyone can have support early and often in life to get the support they need for healthy and safe living, learning, loving and leaving any situation short-term or longer, but there are laws regulating 'all of the above' so don't let love and dreams carry one too far downstream without a team approach to verifying one's reality and again a thorough PLAN Plan, with "People Living, Learning, Loving and Leaving with Agreements and Networking..." with schools, society and social circles helping everyone across the life span...Now back to those symphonies and here's to people being responsible to hep all parties be 'safe and at ease' about their life journeys.