Skip directly to content talk with with Physics High School Teacher David Chandler on 11/6/21

on Sun, 11/07/2021 - 03:56

 I am hearing a few minutes of David Chandler's talk on with Richard Gage. In the two hour talk, at 22

minutes, David describes that the material blown out from the Building 7 was moving faster than the debris falling straight down. He did further research and assessed many aspects of how the building full. He focused on the first part of the fall for 2 and a half seconds that correlated with 'free fall' which means no other factors of explosion. Free fall means 'as though dropping your keys.'He asserts that with the frame by frame analysis that it varied from what would be expected.

David Chandler worked with a team to request corrections from NIST. The difference between speed and acceleration was explored by Steven Jones..and the committee agreed to make a change in the final report. NIST used a computer generated model to assert that the building fell in over five seconds. They later changed the report to say it fell in free falls for the first two and a half seconds, whereas they asserted it took a bit longer due to 'structural resistance.' David Chadler did a lot of measuing of frames. 

He explored which forces were at work to make the building fall in the way it did. He offered that the forces from the borrom matched those that were coming down. Yet he figured out that the top was not exerting enough force to crush the bottom. The top section was only about a third of the weight of the bottom part 'pushing up.' If you know the acceleration you can figure ouf the forces of gravity minus the resistance which can give you the forces that are pushing up.  Something else bestide the building is 'blwing the building out fht way.' North Town and Fundamental Physics is by David Chandler. There's lots more too on the talk but I need to get soem sleep at present...