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New York Public Library Welcomed Kids (but still not dogs) in the 1900s...

on Mon, 02/22/2021 - 02:02

I'm hearing a talk from the Norfolk Library of CT about Margaret Wise Brown, great name for writing books and being like a clue to the likes of 'Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?" Here's the link to the talk I am hearing that's only up until 11:59 pm tonight! Sorry about that... 

 Inside the Great Green Room: The Surprising Story of America's Favorite Bedtime Book by children's literature historian Leonard Marcus is available to view until 11:59pm tomorrow evening (Sunday, February 21) as part of our Winter WIN festival. 
You may access the recording under "On Demand" events on the Winter WIN website: 
"Once upon a time" tales is what Leonard Marcus describes as the kind of stories librarians chose to lift kids out of the regular world such as Millions of Cats.
The Bank Street College of Education (originally based in Grenwich Village NY) also influenced the selection of books for children beyond order and good behavior.
Lucy Mitchell promoted having a nursery school at 69 Bank Street and explored what kinds of books would promote verbal  and capability skills for children? She wanted to help children connect with the 'here and now' and published a list in 1921 that became popular. But that was not well-received by the librarians.
Trains, tall buildings, and cars were as impressive to children as remote fairy tale notions which could be confusing, Lucy advocated. Among her students training to be teachers was Margaret Wise Brown who had wanted to write short stories for the New Yorker. A friend encouraged her to look into Bank Street where there was 'learning by doing' such as writing stories for kids and see if they were well-received. Margaret Wise Brown did well and within six months had stories that could be published....
This is some of what Leonard shares...Hope more people can explore the history and insights shared and join in the literary adventures for youth and adults...