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New Life Expo on FB for free and some special offers!

on Sun, 11/08/2020 - 23:27

I'm listening to some eye-opening talks today on New Life Expo. has info that will rock your world view and understanding of humanity and our near future (fasten your seatbelt...or maybe say a prayer!) Meanwhile here is a link for free tickets for another event coming up on Dec. 5th and 6th, 2020. 

New Living Expo Is going virtual December 5-6th, 2020.
Featuring: Marianne Williamson, Michael Beckwith, John Gray.

For free tickets unitl 11/10/20 go to but if that doesn't work, google it. The tickets are up to $25 so hopefully the link will work though I had a problem with it.

I listed the other speakers from New Life Expo that all have websites so worth googling. I heard inspiring info from who has a cookbook called Simply Healing. He has many podcast talks on Spotify or iTunes called Being Human (about 1000.) He shared books to help people with cancer such as A Cancer Therapy written by Max Gerson and Hope for Cancer by Tony Hermonez.

There is a course coming up soon called (about truth about cancer.) Another book is called How Not to Die and another is The End of Diabetes (I think by Nick.) He has a site  to see what food allergies may be impacting someone or their WBC, white blood cells with test called ALLETESS. Supplements are on He suggested Stay Young chewable tablets for children. A product to help adults is Grow Muscles Burn Fat. 

The diet he suggests includes which food to eat and in what order. That would be 1. vegetables,2.fruit, 3. beans, 4.yams/potatoes, rice, quinoa, 5. nuts, seeds, avocado and minimal animal, dairy etc if any. He avoids any oils that are pressed but rather says 'eat whole olives' which are in a balanced form and more readily processed, rather than 'clog up the blood flow with lipids.'

He shared that the Revlon Oven did not require oils to cook food. To address arthritis even in children, withholding dairy was recommended to see if that improves things. Other things to check are gluten, wheat and so on.The ALLETESS can help determine sensitivities. Zinc can be helpful as well as other supplements. The number for is 949-720-1554 from Noon to 8pm EST, Monday to Friday.

See what else is on the FB page and keep an eye out for other talks. I have heard from people concerned about someone taking advantage of a person by excluding them from their family and taking their home in the name of psychic guidance and compliance, even getting the person to turn over managing her finances and having her home get donated against her will or knowledge to a charity to help children.

That may not exist or be all it has been publicized as. I won't put the person's name in at this time but will share when there is more evidence of that. Meanwhile everyone should become more savvy about the way people may pressure or make offers that really are questionable and marketing tactics that lead down a rabbit hole.

Important to have more sense and a team before making Any Purchase over a small amount (but even those can add up so set a budget or 100 dollars or less and review with a friend on the phone if not in a more direct way.) Good luck to everyone and let's keep on a path of healing, forgiveness and appropriate trust and safety and support. Best to all.