Skip directly to content Offering Guidance to Bring Kayden's Law To YOUR State!

on Thu, 03/24/2022 - 16:07

 See the important advocacy site today to get a link for a live talk about Kayden's Law and bringing it to your state! I won't use too much verbiage since that could delay you heading that way! By way to 'upgrade and enhance' your awareness of communication skills, practice Listening, Speaking and Pitching ideas and more, see and PM me if interested in a group that is on zoom in CT (with live meetings possibly in the NWCT area) as well as the zoom option, a win-win.

That would be a great way to grow community ties in the "Many Connect" area of MA/NY CT tri-corner area and beyond!  Joining a club helps the club continue to exist and pitching in with the roles helps the meetings run well. Then speaking and giving feedback helps people improve.

One of the first projects is to give the same speech Twice (once more after feedback and using that input.) So it's a great idea to be able to rethink and reword things when sharing ideas with one's audience or the other person or people in mind.

That may be a good idea for more teachers and parents to does my student or child hear what I'm saying..Can they keep up with a lot of words (too much verbiage, a person being verbose in terms of using a lot of words as I am starting to do so need to wrap it up, a bit like the timer helps people keep track of speaking for 1-2:30 minutes (thats one to two and a half minutes) on a Table Topic.

That's something people see a Green Light or item or word on a paper that says GREEN at 1 one minute, a Yellow Light or item or word YELLOW at one and a half minutes and a Red Light or item or word RED at 2 minutes (with thirty seconds to finish up.) If it's a contest going over the 2:30 would disqualify someone, so that's a kind of game one can practice, but it's not the end of the show if one goes over even another 10-30 seconds (every club may vary on how they may ask one to finish up.)

It's very easy to get so into sharing one forgets to look at the Timer person, but maybe a chime could be added if practicing at home etc. Okay so now back to learning more about these important resources for advocacy. See the post from a week ago about Battered Mothers Custody Conference also (online and in person for those needing that or doing the advocacy work.

Hopefully someone from every state can attend online!) That can make Great Safety Strides for Children and Victims of Abuse Everywhere and Help Everyone in Relationships and Interactions as well as the Community at large understand The Bigger Playing Field!

At this time of pain and war in Ukraine, these are healing messages that can strengthen everyone's resolve to maintain independent ways to organize, speak, relate and support one another whether online, with phone calls and check-ins as are agreed upon to help elders and others in need of support, whether younger, with children or pregnant, with disablities due to injury or illness or other concerns, such as needing housing and support for food.

See and in NYC or call those numbers for phone assistance. In a medical or other emergency (and you Can't Always See that coming even among family, friends and routines...) one can call a friend who can help one assess matters (so line up a few of those on one's cell phone to text or call for help) or 911 if it's serious and one had thought through the pros and cons of having that level of intervention.

Be careful about bringing in 'people with tasers and guns' to a situation or thinking they will know what to do in a reasonable way. Hopefully more are learning about DE-Escalation, but their training is limited and can vary one officer to the next. See what one's community and local groups, families, schools and more can do to learn about advocating for peace and gentle supports instead of extreme sudden situations. Thanks and see NAMI as well as other posts on this blog, whether short and to the point or verbose!