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on Wed, 03/23/2022 - 19:46

I was inspired to see the friendly face of Nancy Novack who runs in an email that came my way. I'm glad she found me and checked if she was up for having me share her info here. Surprise, surprise, she was!

So don't delay in greeting her smile with one of your own and finding ways to connect with 'helpful folks near you.' Everyone should remember to do their own 'checking credentials, and review options with one's medical doctors, therapist for mental health, abuse advocate or other person one may want to consult' before 'going down any particular path with a certain person.

Make sure to let a trusted reliable friend know what you are doing and review the person's info and payment plans and fees, etc. Only once in a while you get 'a bad apple' in the mix or mixed messages and led down a bumpy path or take natural or herbal remedies without realizing 'contraindications..." For instance, a wise friend shared it's not good to drink grapefruit juice or eat grapefruit if on blood pressure medications.

So I don't know if that was for a certain kind or not, but I think most folks would want to be 'forewarned' and doublecheck with online and alternative therapies as well as a regular doctor. This site and is not about giving medical advice, but rather sharing information and ideas, maybe asking questions and offering ways to think about things in helpful, creative caring ways. Now, off to see the List, the wonderful inspiring!