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More Ways to Celebrate Community Year-Round!

on Mon, 07/23/2018 - 16:29

Hi, I checked with and It's okay to share her site which has videos and may include her offer (check to see if still available) of a session of 90 minutes (rather than her regular one of 60) at the same price...With the many problems from health to insufficient wealth and an array of social and other struggles, almost everyone would welcome some insights. Hoping this is a helpful resource for those who think it's a 'good fit'. Maybe we can all find a few offers to share to help celebrate the Railroad Days Energy in North Canaan CT.

 Thanks to all volunteers, parents, adults and youth playing with 'a team player mindset' whether in sports, relationships, on the road, having adventures, being near or in water (as in Don't Go Near It without proper community guidelines such as Red Cross Water Safety Standards and appropriate adult supervision with parental permission.) 

That's a mouthful but better than the alternative 'gray area, not clear path of who can and should go where and do what' that has often prevailed for decades. Every home and adult with minors they are in charge of (their own, friends and others in their area at large) can help keep an eye out and 'call somebody...a coach, another parent or neighbor, me in a pinch (PM first please, and send me your number if you want me to call you or a friend...) 

Who knows how many could be helped with that extra sense of 'we care about you' and will help you get Back on Track or Stay on Track..that's for folks of All Ages and Walks of Life. Check out the latest and greatest info about Preventing Harm by finding safety early and having a Community Response with consistency and clarity about current laws for relationships (yes Dumb-Mess-Tick, tic, tic Vye-Lance) and much more. 

Those vary in every state and many people with control and rage or intimidation issues do not respond reasonably to clear limits and penalties.

 So more work 'at the drawing board' for six months to a year for anyone getting serious about dating, living together, having children, sharing assets and more should be done. The days of 'being love struck' such as in All Shook Up need to be measured with Life Plans in the practical sense, even with many Written Agreements that can be Reviewed monthly (with finances, health, housing, work and social parameters spelled out fairly clearly thank you very much) to Avoid Scary Surprises... 

Make sense? If 'one's love can't wait' that may not be a good sign of clear commitments and more about a kind of 'love drug' since we are chock a block with hormones and emotions...even into our middle age years.Sometimes the same 'commotion' of chemical and social factors can appear in midlife due to menopause or andropause. with some leaving long term otherwise 'stable looking' situations at the drop of a hat or with such gusto gale force winds look like smoother sailing. 

The problem in someone's thinking (which may or may not be linked to drinking or mental health or other life changes) can take a whole crew of people for a roller coaster ride, including family and friends but often folks at work or in the living area, the social services and faith communities, school and sports or recreation groups and police and courts. It's a 'backwards way of bringing the community together, and sometimes will escalate or involve medical or mortuary services...of the main proponent or their 'victims or even a passerby.' So let's be on the ball with All of what's part of our communities. See more on

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