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More Comprehensive, Adult/ Parent Permission Content for Hello Every Body Part Two, Lower Half of Body

on Thu, 07/14/2016 - 20:12

The link below will direct you to a format that is easier to read.

Again, please only read if over 18 or have parental permission after they have reviewed. Thanks for 'following directions' and while this is biology found in text books (and many places on the web), I hope to refine the numbering system to help folks keep track of what's what.

The same tissue in a developing embryo can become either male or female (or both). There are corresponding or homologous (or similar characteristics of) tissues and bodily parts and functions. In general, human beings are formed to be in bodies we refer to as 'male' or 'female'. In modern times people may be exploring other terms. In the post about Counting from 1 to 10 in a whole new way, I offer the idea that males could be referred to (not defined as) "Ones" and Females as "Twos".

Please See that post for more details. I will put another post with both parts linked for those who prefer to have the first part included before the second. Overall, the Right Side of the Body is referred to as Side A (A), the Left Side as Side B (B), and the Center Section as Part C (C). Read the Part One post on Hello Every Body for more details.

Maybe we will see our similarities more than our skin pigmentation of other superficial differences' and find more of what makes us human as more intriguing and important as our world grows 'smaller and more global' at the same time, even while population burgeons and continues as it were to explode into the realm of 9 to 10 Billion,That's another aspect of counting to "10". But for now, here's the post in google docs which you can start to use for yourself by going to Happy Travels!


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