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Merry in the Middle of May?

on Wed, 05/16/2012 - 18:56

MAY is a time for good things to happen...take my 49th year arriving as scheduled against some odds. Ever have a close call of almost stepping in front of car in a parking lot, when walking backwards while saying goodbye to a friend?

That happened on December 19th,  2010.( An added update from December 2016, That kind of near miss happened Again a couple of times as a newcomer to city traffic,  a couple of times wtih me being distracted and putting myself inadvertently in danger such as 'spacing out and not checking for traffic even after seeing the Do Not Walk sign was lit, and my view was blocked by a box of veggies I was carrying on my left shoulder.

I know I was trying to think about Why a smart set of folks would not want to take some advice about Not Drinking Cold Water, especially when they had a cold. So my mind was distracted. I need to keep my focus on Myself when out and about, and in general as one friend says from Al-Anon kind of wisdom, 'stay in my own hula-hoop.

That means be clear about What Concerns Me directly and what I am responsible for, not overworry other people's habits and choices. We debate that over the years and I wish More People would join That conversation of seeking to share the basic wisdom to prevent illness, imbalance in life and relationships and other kinds of harm or dAnger...)

Now back to the original post with the added wisdom to give cars, trucks and traffic The Right of Way in the city and elsewhere, to not go behind any kind of vehicle when there is a Driver in the Car..they make mistakes with putting a car in Forward or Reverse sometimes, and even a car without someone in it can roll backwards (especially on a hill, and yes, I heard of someone's life ending when he went behind a delivery van on a hill which then rolled back on him.

I know someone (now in spirit from a different kind of vehicular accident..involving speed and passing someone while on a motorcycle) whose oil truck got away from him and rolled down a county main street downhill and crashed into a store window, so as a new fire lieutenant woman friend has informed me be looking 360 degrees 365 days a year ( "360-365") when you are out and about and even in a storefront area, on the sidewalks (especially the curbs which cars can Jump at times..and yes, I heard of someone's child being hit fatally at such a curb, so Don't Let Kids Run Ahead and just wait..they may not survive the experience. Do write a summary of any close calls and take a photo.

A local DOT (Dept of Transportation may like to know of dangerous areas and situations to educate folks like I try to do here) or if people were endangered, possibly the police (if someone were hurt) or a company (if a business vehicle driver was reckless.) Give yourself some extra TLC (tender loving care) if you have close calls as well, since that can add up to a kind of anxiety and PTSD if just swept under the rug for some folks.

Of course, 'if it's their time', generally Something will occur that they pass within a year is what I've heard. So that puts a lot into perspective and begs we all consider Accepting the Greater Timing and Realm that may govern our experience not Without our spiriual consent even if our mortal beings would beg to much of this blog does in case there is room to help folks Evolve with the choices They Do have a say in.

More on this in other posts..and Hopefuly, talking about all this does not 'attract more of it, so someday I may put many a post on 'hide' since the more folks who read it may 'attract if for me or themselves...see the quandary?

That's why I often try to couch things in the language of What IF or review a matter that did happen in that way rather than emphasize its occurrence. Gregg Braden has a book about how some events or cycles occur in our lives almost mathematically. Very interesting and likely I would benefit from reviewing it again since I could see what has played out in the last decade and assess how his theories inform my experiences.)

 A close call before that was me not seeing an oncoming car due to a van parked in my site line. Another was going through a yellow light after the Hartford Marathon in October 2012, only to have a car gun their gas pedal and almost send me to heaven.

We've all had close calls, I could think of a few more, one with a newly married couple about a decade ago, just giving them a short ride back to their car only to have a 'car none of us saw coming' whiz in front of us.

Thankfully, I had decided to wait a little extra even though I was told I could go to the road right across the street rather than the next block down. Ever since then, life has felt like Bonus Time.

I had to remember that when a divorce came my way and our teenage son Kaelan Paton died (google for info) the day after that concluded. That was almost 3 years ago, on June 16, 2009. Let US-All count our blessings and bonus times.

Remembering those who have crossed over to heaven or the great beyond is another valuable way to spend some of our precious time and energy. Who  would you like to celebrate this May?  Please include yourself, whenvever your birthday is.