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Maureen Moss on online program inspiring as is with Mary Campbell, Who Do You Get Inspired By?

on Wed, 04/05/2017 - 12:44

When mostly staying put, one can find organizing one's day and even free time challenging. Being alone or only on the phone with someone is not the easiest way to socialize or feel connected.

What a treat to tune into some live or recorded programs with people who are exploring positive ideas, views of reality, ways to improve one's energy, mindset, feelings and sense of control or awareness of options (even if not quite ready to try much of what is described whether focusing or releasing ideas or simple exercises.)

That's likely enough for 'one sentence.' Now not everything necessarily merits a green light to listen to or try, so Use Your Own Good Judgment and Check In With Supportive, Caring, Capable People in Your Life (or even online of on the phone or read some books or listen on if you can afford the monthly fee or get funded with a group to listen to some inspiring things together.)See for talks on your higher self and much more, often with free replays and many additional offerings. Maybe join with others to afford or share information with supportively. Compare to The Reconnection by Eric Pearl and see what may be similar.Some say there are key ideas and not to mix and match,. Others suggest you will find what works for you but to stay open.

Maureen Moss is sharing her journey to becoming a leader in the field of teaching and sharing new ideas and new energies about 'The New Human.' Worth a google along with the site of a more independent locally-grown, accessible person in Western MA, Mary Campbell whose site is Divining Beauty.

Maureen Moss is describing a similar kind of set of energy shifts happening recently (with various terms) about letting go and letting God, connecting with Big Love and a sense of empowerment. She describes it as a Golden Age with our own crafting as well, with more available to us.

The spotlight seems to be turned on our inner selves and a kind of reviewing our choices and helping us get centered with our higher calling. Almost like we were going downhill (or in a downward spiral) and now we are getting to higher ground, seeing things in new ways and feeling more able and networked heart to heart.

So why not consider the easy options to shifting and allowing more good to flow into your heart and soul, and ripple throughout your life with ease? It's a set of cool theories and may dovetail reasonably with more traditional legacies of continual growth and evolution. "Mind over what matters... not only mind over matter." 

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