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Marianne Sounding A Clarion Call for US All To Heed: Danger, the Bridge Is OUT! Time's Up!

on Wed, 01/01/2020 - 21:09

That summary came to mind as I am watching the Livestream of Marianne's talk at The Author's Incubator in DC today, January 1st.2020 at 3pm. Just as I thought to put the word "bridge" in the title she said that word so I ran with that. She's truly inspiring, giving a critical comprehensive educational talk about our collective history. I heard her speak live in NYC in mid December to a much larger crowd so it's heartwarming to see what she's doing. She spoke in California since then.

This Democratic Candidate explains the healing that the system needs. I experienced much of what she conveys about mothering in the 1980s and 1990s..."Our very cells cry out to keep our infants close to us" when they are young (not only for three months.) I went to Vassar and studied developmental psychology which stressed the importance of a consistent caregiver relationship (called mother-child attachment often.) Touching by Ashley Montagu explores the mammalian aspects of bonding and nursing including that of nurturing infants. 

Marianne Williamson asserts that we need 21st century solutions and support to prevent problems for the environment and education and much of society. We have all that we need but are misuing our resources. She declares the suffering of 93 million people in poverty.

 I realize that's one person for every mile the earth is from the just as we need greater balance on the large scale we need it among humanity. Another friend says people 'speaking to the sun and feeling connected to nature' can help usher in that kind of healing. See Dr. Laurie Moore on youtube and her site Those are my suggestions.

Marianne says we are letting the political establishment to toy with us like a sociopath breaching appropriate boundaries. We have been duped. She has realized that too many hard-working people were suffering unduly 15 years ago. She asserts that the politics and economic greenlights put the breaks on the growth and health of a trapped citizenry. In th e1980s, Milton Friedman asserted the trickle down economic theory (which was supposed to come with a basic stipend for each citizen but that didn't happen) would be good for the economy. The only criteria became to increase the profit for the stakeholders of corporations. But she points out that 1% of the citizenry has more than the other 90%.

She wrapped up her talk reminding us that Trump is a symptom of the problem, caused by most of us not paying close enough attention for decades and feeling it doesn't matter. She had reminded people that Elie Wiesel said 'Neutrality is only in favor of the opposition.' So there being neutral is not without its consequences. 

With a question and answer period, a high schooler asked about gun safety and school shooting concerns. Marianne said it's important to cure the cause and for more of the society to realize how frightening it is for students to feel traumatized by these issues. She said also the chronic trauma of 13 million hungry children also needs healing.

That's why she wants a Department of Children and a Department of Peace. We need to have a national discussion about our use of violence in prisons, in the environment, in the war (noting Trump is sending 3K plus troops to Iraq after the Bagdahd attack.

She says we need to review the history of the War in Iraq. The attack thoughts any people use to shut others up are another symptom of danger. Ghandi and peaceful conflict resolution would help people understand their inner locus of control before being effective in understanding conflict. 

Another question from a medical professional life coach is asserting doctors are under dire pressure. She also asserts we need a Health Department to focus on wellness rather than keep promoting Big Pharma )which donates heavily to medical school) and waiting for symptoms to take over. Marianne has plans on her site to do far more than just address sickness. She wants to help people have a healthier life with better prospects economically (particularly farmers who are at high risk for suicide.)