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Many Are Eager Beavers to Get the COVID Vaccine, Others Saying "Not So Fast and For Everyone..."

on Sun, 02/07/2021 - 14:38 came recommended with the video called The Stand which one finds scrolling down after the first three when one clicks 'More Videos'. Here's one person's take on that who was about to get the vaccine and is doing more research...and I quote but did not watch this yet but have seen similar points made..."I thought the information was pretty good and very interesting.  Lots of material for further research.   But also I appreciate the fact that these vaccines are experimental and it's worth the 45 minutes to ask yourself if you really do want to get the vaccine and whether the chances of the long-term side effects which are possible ....not disproven.....not proven ...could happen.

It was also interesting to hear that the Lancet which had at first said hydroxychloroquine made no difference pulled its report, that it was not considered good reporting, but the media did not report on that.  Studies on hydroxychloroquine that were underway were halted, unfortunately, yet there were no adverse effects reported. Later however the media started reporting that there were adverse side-effects.  When my doctor gave me hydroxychloroquine for  psoriatic arthritis he said it was a pretty tame drug. Something simple that might help the arthritis. Certainly not loaded with serious side effects.
Lots of information and I'm going to have to think twice about getting that vaccination.   I'm going to have to listen to it again. 
There was one thing in particular that bothered me and that was when they did the deeper research on the first SARS covid vaccine, the critters were given their first and second doses but when they ended up in the wild and were exposed to the SARS virus, they got the disease and it killed them..  
This experimental vaccine has not even finished testing with animals.
In other words when a vaccine is put through all of its paces, it's tested to make sure that it works. But these experimental vaccines right now have not been through the entire gamut of testing and some Pfizer scientists have already brought that up but we're ignored.
The doctor/speaker explained another of the long-term side effects that all vaccines are tested for and that is to make sure the vaccine is not transmitted through our reproductive system. these vaccines have not been tested for that and these Frontline doctors say they would encourage women of childbearing age to not get the vaccine.
Too bad it's so late and my brain can't remember half of what was said. I checked Snopes and they seemed to be more interested in the backgrounds of the speakers rather than what they were saying. I know the one doctor said she was an emergency room physician and I thought yeah you're not an infectious disease specialist or epidemiologist but you are making some valid points. Those are what I'm more concerned about than her background."