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Love and Wisdom go Hand and Hand...yet often that may mean 'loving from a distance' or moving toward peaceful parting on more levels for safety

on Wed, 12/21/2016 - 16:01
Humanity's Team is an exciting global online outreach promoting unity, harmony and that greater sense of love. I enjoy their programs though feel we all need to respect the 'unknown factors' about things like shamanism or other practices which may engage energeries we cannot control. I have had experienced people convey that to me as well as other traditions. Learning the basic ideas can be helpful to realize how people have coped and been helped for thousands of years (some say 100K years.)

But that is not the only thing Humanity's Team or other similar outreaches (think Jennifer McLean who claims a million people have heard her messages of self-love and healing as instrumental to finding inner peace and health..that's the jist of what I think she is saying so don't quote me.) Dr. Sha says a similar thing..that our energy and inner intentions play out in social and physical ways. He has 10 million books in print I believe and a huge online presence.

Maybe a committee could really look things over and try to convey the highlights and give more people a sense of What is Possible, and how to tread lightly and with respect when it comes to the heart, soul, mind and making vows and doing practices...Do so with some support (and ideally not with drugs as part of the picture, again not just jumping into anything that could be too life-altering or life-ending, including dangerous tricks or drives, moves or relationships... just sayin' Take it Easy and Check in with Good Friends who can actually be of some Help Before things might go haywire.

This blog if full of such 'friendly advice' and plenty of folks 'unfriend me' in full or part because they don't like that I share ideas... interesting how life goes, when it used to be a blessing to have an education, an open mind and willingness to help others. Some emphasize "only if Asked" is the cool, polite thing to do. I beg to differ saying if someone dies because there was no clear plan that was actually be followed, that person and all who 'dropped the ball' will not be able to learn in a timely fashion or have a do-over.

That's why we need more Proactive Common Sense and PLANS (people learning, living and loving with agreements and networking in schools and society and sharing online) to reframe our world practices, redefine whose who and what's what. Just the basics...a complete Makeover, while we may have the time and luxury to Imagine such and speak outloud or online about it, see?
The bigger definition of Love likely includes Safety and Respect...and therefore may actually mean 'physical and social --and often legal--l protection and separation from those who would harm us...or have done so'. (By the way, Not easily done in any respect, but Necessary to Consider. Maybe a few alliance groups could serve as message centers where people could Leave messages and others (even on behalf of a victim etc) could pick them up without violating legal orders..
Room for improvement in terms of being practical, using emails and again, a neutral or capable go-between or two to keep parenting or other basics happening as needed without forcing two people (generally parents or former partners) to interact directly in person or even on the phone or on emails...all of which can create more conflict.
That challenges the model of 'forgiving someone endless times' in a certain way.
The forgiveness can be extended (even if someone is not asking or aware an apology is due' and Before one is offered by the offender) on a psychological, emotional, spiritual and to some extent practical level--being neutral or decent when needed and legally permitted.
The line must be drawn however in many cases (and can take months and years to see how and why this needs to play out Voluntarily and often Legally) to KEEP people safe, alive and out of jail ideally (where too many folks land even if innocent of mild crimes and too often get put in solitary for days, weeks, months and Years ...and even Decades, often for small violations once in prison.)
The Center for Judicial Excellence sheds light finally on a huge crime against humanity and particularly mothers and their children in courts across the US and in many countries...with sole or primary custody going to Abusive Dads (some of whom continue to offend children...yes, in the worst ways.)
THAT needs to be identified by the spiritually-minded leaders and wider community as Unacceptable and Needing an Intervention and Legal Remedies such as on that site and by Barry Goldstein. Adapting to the New Normal of Needing Safety with the Victim's Cooperation is something that could take years to convey and support with more counseling and help so a victim is not feeling 'they still need the abuser in some way to live, make decisions, work, travel, care for children, and function socially.'
Patterns can change rather quickly when new good solutions and people to help see them through step up from society.

Accountability for money and practical agreements could clarify the new terrain and provide a course to follow for all parties. Maybe in a generation or two, similar to how popular (and necessary) daycare has become from infancy onward so parent(s) can work, more help can be there for every child and adult in our country to Get the Help They Need and Merit without Struggle for the Basics...
Thanks and more ideas on my blog "livfully" .org Thanks a bundle for considering these timely ideas that many have weighed in on over many decades...It's good preparation for times to come from political changes to climate factors and more. As a rule, let's all try to stay cool and be aware of the Golden Rule (Treat others the way you would like to be treated, as one second grade teacher would encourage among her lovely students and a third grade teacher would work on for a good month so she'd have a more successful learning environment with the kids, making more of life a win-win for all in the grade level since she worked with two classes...) Thanks to Janice,Ginny, Kolleen and all caring teachers, parents, adults and youth the world over who live with this mindset and choices with their words and actions. It's the good deeds that prime the pump for good living.

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