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Lookin' Good in 2022, Does that Feel True for You? Try Braintime (free trial even) to make that Good Feeling (and Brain Fun-ctioning) A Regular Modus Operandi!

on Fri, 01/14/2022 - 15:54

Thanks to all who are tuning into the amazing benefit of Learning About Brain Function (and yes, that's FUN-ction too!) Most know the basic tips to get and benefit from good sleep as well as regular healthy habits of healthy eating, some exercise, slow deep breathing (and some say through the nose helps with that too especially if prone to shallow breathing, but that's another story...)

But who couldn't use a little 'inside track' help...and you can't get much more inside with ease than listening to the simple sounds and questions on the short braintime program site. Use your R and L headphones lined up with the alignment audio they have on the Training page and away you go! It's okay to be awake or rest your eyes during the sessions.

Some have an activity to do such as breathing in sync with a tone in then out, or turning one's head away from the sound heard, or considering questions but not having to answer them such as 'What's going well with my life?" all while the softer sounds are chirping away at irregular intervals. Sounds a bit like sitting by the ocean and watching the water move, the waves lap onto the shore and run back out to the great expanse.

That's yet another idea I will offer to 'take time to visualize a peaceful scene and watch the world and players in it as though in your own little cabana on the beach...'  I learned that from New York City meditation from the likes of Ashreta Furman, so google him and Sri Chimoy for inspiration about the benefits of quieting the mind and having support along those lines too. Okay so here's to more peaceful, friendly, productive times in 2022 with the support and free videos and talks for all on BrainTime.

Thanks for using my links to access their site so I can benefit from that and let's talk shop sometime about helping you or others in your state and town become affiliates to we benefit in bigger ways from everyone tuning into their A Game when it comes to Brain FUNction! We've got a great start going if you're leaning into this notion... so far, so good! 

Scroll through the past few pages of posts for links for a monthly membership (first month free using my link or get a savings on an annual membership.) Many Thanks! Happy BrainTime! Best to all from Catherine Palmer Paton