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"Let's Talk About It!" Invitation to Connect Via Public FB pages, have some group zooms and consults!

on Fri, 12/16/2022 - 17:24

Lots of people wonder "What is the Blog all about?"

I ask myself that too but mainly I explore possiblities and share what I've learned in the last 6 decades (and heard about what happened before I began this life journey in the "Many Connect" MA/NY CT area as part of a large family in a small town (as my Vassar application essay began).

That was in the early 1980s which feels like long-ago, almost childhood, history to most in my class (which includes Lisa K who played Phoebe on Friends--google if you can't recall her last name...and many other talented, illustrious and hard-working folks.

Somehow 40 years have flown by not just for our generation but the many before and all those coming up in our rearview mirror (and often passing us out due to the digital advances.) Those of us who were used to 'dialing a telephone, changing a television dial which in my childhood was among three channels, 3 (CBS), 6 (NBC, hardly ever used)and 8( ABC, American Broadcast Corporation whatever that meant to me as a kid.) I didn't know who Jackie Kennedy was when  a fellow asked me and they drew a cartoon of me dancing with my pony tail up in the air, asking "Jackie Kennedy, Whose he?! Let's Talk About It!"

Meeting people at his child's birthday party afforded him a chance to get his GED and then his pilot's license, training to be in the army to fly helicopters. His daughter followed suit even having a great college education a little younger than most. Such 'chance encounters' happen more readily in networks of people who are making time to be know their peers and community and get to those birthday parties!

That person, who wanted to make enough money and retire early, did end up passing away after fulfilling dreams, so this is a bit of a tribute to that time and recalling the jist of what people were saying and aspiring to do. That person also made a joke about someone running a landfill saying "It'll cost you to throw that out" and that was a funny because there were no fees at the time for disposing of garbage. What got buried is something many would feel would be too costly to address now and most land fills in such areas are closed due to the risk for contamination. 

 Helping each other access information and try out ideas for caring for young people, those with care needs at home or going places, finding help and reviewing the extra important details (program financing whether for housing, food, care needs, paying people with taxes with held of as private contractors, having awareness about home equity line of credit or spending assets down in allowable ways if medical bills mount for care or procedures and knowing to do research online and with elder law attorneys or Medicaid attorneys but to be wary of  hidden fees and understand a process by checking with Better Business Bureaus or other state-approved systems. One law firm that covers many bases and may have strategies to help people protect asset is

They have videos and information to help people learn the basic terms. Every state is different in terms of guidelines but some federal programs are similar in what is required. Still unless people seek the information, no one is required to give them a 'heads up'. This site is not giving any legal or financial advice but rather is sharing ideas about how to start exploring each stage of life and situation that may come up so one has not lost out on a timely set of support and planning.

Reviewing matters often with key family or support members (doctors, lawyers, spokespeople who have agreed to do so and have taken the proper steps to be able to access and represent one short-term or longer in various matters--so explore what is required for a Power of Attorney (and there can be different types) for financial, medical, legal and other concerns. Some people may qualify for a free financial support person through their state who would pay bills and give an accounting on a monthly basis to the person or their power of attorney. There's a Council on Aging in many states and the can help more people understand signs of mental decline or various kinds of dementia and reasonable steps to take.

 See what I offer online for free with The Turtle Garden Permaculture Game, a design process game and sharing of ideas to network to help one another with 'people care, earth care and resource share.' as well as stories such as The Turtle and The Acorn and another called The Jewel Story (which is only an audio about a half hour long, worth hearing in about 10 minute segments if you listen before sharing and take notes, then share with friends and kids as the chapters unfold.

.The Jewel is discovered, then enjoyed by animals and yet then is transformed a few times and becomes whole again with magical powers helping animals and others do more than they could, and connects with the 'how things came to be tales' about fire, gift-giving and sparkles on the snow in such as way it makes one feel more mystical about the human experience of growth and transormation.'

There's a second part I hope to write again since I misplaced it (much like the jewel in the story, hidden somewhere in the midst of my landscape of papers and life experience.) I have other posts reflecting on the experience, and maybe before reading any of my stories, let the titles be a prompt for you to write your own, short or involved and play a game of sharing in writing a story with your family and friends or others (even online, again for just a bit or longer) and 'see where the story goes.'

Devorah Spilman online offers quite a wonderful set of ways to get inspired with her InStoryWay programs.Telling tales of one's own life or family times is a lost art and can happen with some free time and even on emails to others, sometimes that is a helpful way to stay in touch weekly or monthly (or more.) Phone calls and snail mail of cards and small gifts (recycled, homemade or pitching in to help someone afford a bill or a treat) are all helpful ways to make the seasons shine.

Back in the 1970s and before many people knew how to 'lend a hand while still on land, especially if alive and busy with creating homes, farms, roads and bridges and businesses too, private schools and daycares for young children!" We learned there's plenty of time to debate 'working Moms versus stay-at-home Moms' and other ways of managing life and juggling responsibilities.

Women 'breaking the glass ceiling' and finding ways to finance dreams was an ongoing quest, and of course every kind of Civil Rights Act from the 1960s only scratched the surface of how to make meaningful change in our country at large. That is playing out still with the major decision-makers (politicians and any around the world who may be calling the shots and making things play out certain ways) barely tuning into 'what the people want' in any given country or decade. 

This blog explores possiblities to help us save on each having to try to keep up with the basics and piece the meaning together. Take what I offer and let it get the ball rolling for discussion. I have spoken with a few people for hours on end over each part of my life so learned from them and groups that came my way, often for very little cost through faith groups, alternative healing and thinking groups, community outreaches for families with young children on up through teens, forums about mental health, drug use and abuse (legal or illegal), aging and special needs concerns, and environmental and other there life after death and what are NDEs, Near Death Experiences...and are there other life forms in the universe?

Free online talks by the have speakers who a few hundred people would listen to and ask questions of with summaries in the still-going-strong CT Lakeville Journal (sponsored in part by Meryl Streep and Sam Waterston as well as government help during COVID times and many other donors to keep its pages open now in its 125th year when many such channels have been bought out or closed outright, along with many radio stations.

Some of our local favorites are NPR stations such as WQQQ and WSHU and WAMC along with a local WKZE. I mention others such as WNYC that I learned about when I was in Brooklyn NY for a couple of years (2016-19) and kept up with the action in NWCT as well. The alliance between rural and urban areas needs to grow and benefit more people from the urban areas who face 'land and housing shortages' even as the cost of living is rising across the country.

Recently I was learning more about stocks and investing from and they have offers to help people understand and assess matters with much more detail supposedly with helpful timing (before things go up or down.) From other talks I have learned that the 11 sectors of the stock markets bear a lot of influence on how a stock performs (again I am no expert and quite a beginner but over time being open and concerned about hearing that $9 trillion was lost in 2022 and that was a 20%drop affecting many normal people more than big corporate players I feel it's a necessity to have more of a clue about what is going on and affecting people and our future shared situation. More women are being invited mainly by other women such as via to understand basic concepts and ways to 'invest safely and wisely' when getting started and taking cautious steps to grow one's wealth.

Many do not advise investing in only one stock for starters or even along the way. Others have benchmarks to consider before investing and having safety funds and reserves for covering living expenses for six months and so on. Suze Orman is a well-known financial coach with many books and programs that help people connect the dots.

Same with, You Need A Budget and many others reputable sources for basic money management which they don't teach in most schools or to the public. More banks and online programs do address basics and even at age 60 I would have plenty to learn and many say it's as wise a time to start as any and to learn with support from trustworthy reputable people with a good track record.

With the many predictions for rises in cost of living it makes sense to have 'back up plans' to cut the housing costs by sharing housing for some of one's life journey if possible. Maybe more women living together and men doing so can help keep the basics going without as much concern about safety or difficulties that can arise. Finding similar interests and agreeing to terms of living, sharing in any household or yard tasks or costs, finding ways to barter and borrow from others who may be willing to assist with working out game plans and follow up with regular communication and accountability, much like housemates among younger people in school or starting out in the world with help from parents and others would make sense. The importance of having ongoing, steady support or income, getting a "J.O.B" whether for hourly wages or 'per gig' or as an affiliate marketer or one's own online presence or marketer can be things more people help each other with.

oth individuals and small businesses as well as communiites and larger regions can lean into this sense of coaching and supporting one another. With an online presence, the sense of team and worldly players can grow quickly and effectively. Dr. Steven Greer is offering ideas to help our planet in a timely way such that there would be a more affordable energy source available to help people 'keep the lights on and the homefires burning.'

That's something he needs major help doing in an immediate way and no one can pretend there are not 'outside influences' that could prove challenging if not detrimental or worse to our shared journey in these modern 'make or break' times. Let's help the next generations feel connected and supported to those who had the luxury of living in a more secure time in the planet with vast resources which have dwindled and need protecting. Nature is a key part of our successful living equation here on Pacha Mama.

All people are meaningful team players, or 'gardeners' who can slow down and think wisely cand collaboratively, like turtles knowing when to stay in the sun and when to 'be on the run' with their shell or protection handy. Knowing one's 'evacuation route' if near the ocean or a land-locked place and having a 'go bag' with information, money and basic food and water, clothing and cell phone with charger may be a first step for more to check off as the new year begins in this important decade.

Finding a team of ten or so people to keep in touch with when in secure situations and even more so if there are travel or needs that arise makes sense with everyone being accountable for their whereabouts and ready to ask for support if weather or situations arise. Women and children and even men need to live more 'defensively' in ways knowing there are many who have an unstable mindset or set of behaviors that may be rather tricky to understand or detect, so plan for safety with approved guidelines such as shared in other posts here but in each country, state and area be aware of what's 'safe and reasonable' to do in terms of travel, socializing (especially if drinking or such have a designated chaperone) and don't be alone with someone who may be a risk even if a family member or friend whether travelling or visiting at a gathering.

The more young people and women who understand the need for appropriate boundaries, which many 'safe church and scout and school' policies promote the better people are at not being in difficult situations. Even parents or caregivers who are not feeling well or who are taking substances (legal or otherwise) would do well to have back up to care for young children and others  if there may be concerns of stability

With some teamwork, more people can have ways to provide neighborly coverage and have some back up support for sharing information (even anonymously or about a general kind of concern) having checklists for safety before allowing home visist and people to supervision each other's kids (that can be another post, but checking that guns are in a locked cabinet if one is okay with someone having guns,) that people will be safe and appropriate around youth, ideally not drinking or drugging in front of them even if it is their own home (hopefully having others watch the children and the adults in a separate area until an age all parents of other children visiting are okay with) and so on.

Special parties may prove an exception but having children serve alcohol to adults is not appropriate and overall the idea of what values and access to drugs teens and others have is an important factor to pay attention to as that is when many kids 'get hooked'.

Some of that is after their first drink or sip even and others it 'comes and goes' often as a way to cope with not fitting in or feeling confused or pressured about being a teen or young adult. In college settings the efforts to stay or become sober could be vastly improved and of course, that can continue through early adulthood. If people do not have a problem by age 25 I have heard it's a much lower risk of becoming one, but if they do, it can be hard to shake.

Finding ways to be smart about enjoying one's health, considering the health of any children one may bear (with abstinence from substances well in advance if a planned pregnancy or as soon as possible if not) makes sense. There is far more support now than in the past. Even online help can be a plus but with all such efforts, the person pursuing the goals is key to making progress.

Everyone is working a program of sorts on the daily so finding that 'reasonable range' and encouraging others who have power and control over others (especially parents, many of whom have their children doing serious learning or pursuing skills for 10,000 hours to 'become an expert' and not be a 'loser' as one couple on a parent show on TV said last night.) That may become another area for wider discussion that would merit more concern for children to not be overly disciplined and not have free time. One mother was telling her child to jump from a high dive to her father in a pool below even though the child clearly said she did not want to do so.

The mother may have used 'negativ'e reinforcement' basically telling her she was chicken if not doing it.With the whole world watching and no one raising these questions, this indicates a major problem with why things 'are not prevented even in the face of evidence of distortion and danger.' What if that were your child or you as a child? Would you feel happy to be pressured to do something that you found physically challenging and possibly dangerous? There need to be clear guidelines for all people on public programs not to give into peer pressure when they are too young or not of sound mind to do so.

Saying afterward that the 6-year-old girl, Juliette, responded well to negative reinforcement is a rather major Red Flag! Now that I think about it, I will try to follow up on this Parent Team program and see what the guidelines are but really see if we might have a meaningful intervention with Juliette's parents who seem to be 'going off the deep end.' It's clear that around the world certain cultuaral and family values are 'off the charts' of normal and approprate behavior for parents and caregivers, teachers and coaches for these modern times.

Even though the competition is tough and many have talents and 'can do it' over time the psychological impacts can be detrimental. Also assuring that the parents and others with strong faith or other values do not become distorted and dangerous is a shared concern that more people working together can help prevent.

I'll wrap this up now and let folks know I appreciate support if that is of interest. I have had a few donations over the years and that means a lot on many levels, whatever the amount. Like The Lakeville Journal that is accepting donations to stay afloat now, I also will accept donations but am not swayed to support one person or another. The internet is already changing enough so that 'freedom of speech' is not what is used to be and yet all people reporting information and ideas should disclose whether something is fact or fiction or who they have heard things from or what physical evidence there is (or lack of it as really lacking.)

There is much to learn and consider as more robots and modern digital 'news or info shows' are being shared around the world. It helps to really know people and one's community. That is part of the value of local papers, many of which have been shut down or bought out. Who owns the media influences the messaging which is a theme I have heard from journalists and others over the years, and the number of owners is shrinking even as their influence is expanding.

Not watching the media is often a great strategy to help one 'think straight' about what's what. So be sure to take breaks and reflect on your own! That said,to donate, you may use Many thanks for a gift of any amount! I have helped many through small donations as I can so trust the money is flowing to help people in need and have a roof over their head (thankfully that couple found an apartment after a month of steadfast efforts and had some setbacks to overcome from a year of not paying  rent, using their family's legacy.

Hope they do better this time! A lesson to many to have more of a nest egg and some short-term solutions in a warmer climate if need be since many are not willing to go into a housing shelter. Many of those are full and some may have a problem with bedbugs or safety. Overall more advocacy for safety and support could be a shared goal. See what Great Barrington MA offers in this model for housing men and women, usually those who are chronically homeless, at Construct and other ideas in

Hope you find lots of value and make more time to explore the pages as numbered below from over the past decade. There are past years of the Lakeville Journal (of the NWCT area) available through and other zoom talks there too worth checking.I do not receive funds or endorsements from any organization on this site except if I am an affiliate marketer such as with (and I have free trial links and enjoy using that program especially to get good sleep.) Many free talks on there worth tuning into for brain health too! Happy Rest of December 2022 and into 2023 and the key next years of this decade!