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Let the Ideas Flow and See How Your Mind and Life Glow!

on Tue, 02/02/2021 - 16:22

I like the title of this talk "The Magic of Imagination" on youtube from 1/31/21 and hope to skim thru or watch it.
.Whose thinking of doing the acting 
exercises with me soon...

 Gotta keep on top of these "New Year Wild and Wooly Ideas". 
Here's to a Fab Feb for every body, toe to head..with rest that's best before midnight but 
get some Z's whenever you can (and even a few deep breaths with a soft relaxed jaw smile and 
think of something amusing like these camels....

That's One of the Acting Tips!) Check out the 
Toastmasters District 53 site and join on up with a local club (yes, online but eventually we'll 
meet in person and a membership in any club lets you visit other meetings easily...) This is a 
practical way to learn to listen and organize a few thoughts and Brave Sharing Out Loud 
for 1-2 minutes in a supportive group (with Table Topics.) Anyone seeing a Theme hear or 'thinking, dreaming, 
talking, sharing and caring to join with others....' 

Whether acting, talking, listening, learning, dreaming, working, or 
managing activities of daily living (literally getting up and running or transferring to a wheelchair, using a walker, or
walking, riding about town in a car or public transportation (that can take some fitness training for managing going
 up and down stairs, carrying kids or strollers, packages and so on, managing subway stairs and lots of other 'walks
 and getting on and off platforms in crowds of moving with dozens of others also on the go, some friendlier and more
courteous than others and at certain times of day.

 With Covid we're seeing what's possible and hopefully will always 
give people with kids or other special needs a helping hand or way to board as a priority... Common sense and a big 
vote for more kids to grow up with the care and support they deserve so hopefully they will want to watch out for others 
in their care down the road, whether older or younger. 

Okay now back to the meetings and magic of this day. Hope all 'have
support and please check in with someone to let them know you're doing well or if you need a little help with something. Many 
people will feel okay about pitching in, trading a few tasks or even 'saying not now or thanks, but I need my space etc...' All 
of those are healthy skills to practice along with other forms of Self-Care and personal time to relax (as the late 
promoted with 5 minute guided relaxation sessions on WKZE at 11am and 11pm...

Why not aim for the same at a time that works for you...
and maybe another with one other person or a small group (a quiet moment before meals, sharing a word of gratitude, even with that word
if another doesn't come to mind...a time to share and take turns whether for a set short time (1-2 min) or longer 3-5 min or 6-10 min.

 That may 
be with a friend or a family member, around a theme or recounting 'wins and what one is working on now...and maybe be open to feedback or not, just 
let the other person/ people know...and maybe a written bit of feedback (in an email etc) would be an option, etc.

Having someone take notes may be 
helpful for one to review what one shared and what one is trying to make a list to do and follow up on (I need that one even as I get more things figured 
out for myself and another person or two...)

 Okay best to all to keep the ducks and camels in a row...ADLs (Activities of Daily LIving, Finances (All Funds 
one has in various forms, accounts, cash, assets and insurance, with a list of numbers and cards etc, debts and payment plans, interest rates and so on...)
Hopefully everyone's an expert, but see YNAB, You Need A Budget and if not a free offer or not ready to try, see (a note to myself as well..) to think about 
creating a spending plan..

.Also let kids have an allowance (from funds you may be spending on them anyway, but let them hand the money over for some of the groceries, 
pet food, presents and so on.. starting with a weekly allowance of how old they are, with an idea to save some, share some and spend some, so give change and dollars...
By ten, open a bank account in their name (and a parent's and help them keep track..or let them help you.)

 Apparently there's 10% of people who rack up millions or more in bank fees etc so that's a huge loss...
often among people who already are on a low budget...Okay best to all, lots more on about driving safely and living with common sense too!

 Thanks for being careful on the roads and not breaking laws of intimidating others with yelling, violence, or threats etc...
some don't realize that is against the law in families or among 'friends' or let's correct that error, which is worse than the bounced check fees!