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Learning more about Twitter (at Least Trump's taught us the power of That...) See @livfully (below)

on Mon, 09/18/2017 - 03:08

During the storms, I put up a FB Ad for 10 dollars, and got the word that I was sending Big Love out to everyone (from US-All) to 800 people. About 20 liked that and a few commented, which I responded to. Then I got saying goodnight to some in my family and in looking ahead remembered it was Internationa Peace Day on Sept 21st. annually.. I felt lucky to catch if before it passed. So I put it on my Twitter account and realize I have more than one way to get to the account.

Maybe it needs to be on more calendars. After a quick search to see that memory served me correctly, I saw an ad to have twitter linked to my blog. I forgot I already have one account, but thought I'd share the other. I was supposed to click a few buttons and copy it to my HTML..and I have No Idea (especially late at night even though I could ask a nearby computer guru but likely that person would say..."Not available at this late hour for such consults..." and I am too tired to even ask or think about it more, so I am Trying It out...hope it helps. If not just get to and look up @livfully or @cathpalmercares (that latter being related to more of a business outreach for people regarding end of life issues...)

 Okay, here goes, Happy Twittering and World Peace Daying! (and if you are reading this After 9-21 on any given year, just take a raincheck and go for it when it works for you, customized and it still will count!) #WorldPeaceDay (I think that's it, but I'll check...)

<a class="twitter-timeline" href="">Tweets by livfully</a> <script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

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