Learning Lots from WBAI.org in Brooklyn NY. Donate to a pro-active radio station today!
In NYC there's a lot going on, especially during the winter holidays. What better time to keep in touch with Reality from the past, present and future by tuning into www.wbai.org. "One-tenth of the top 1%" have ungainly wealth which is creating a huge ripple effect that likely will sweep our world away literally in waves as the ocean's rise in part due to our human journey's economic and legal unfolding in advanced countried.
Too many green lights without checks and balances for the mega-rich and corporate interests. These are some ideas being shared on WBAI, at www.wbai.org. Today is Saturday, December 10th (Happy Birthday to My December Family and Friends by the way...and as those circles grow, to you and yours too.) Some of the offers from WBAI includes 4 films if $125 is donated.
These include Thirteenth (or 13th), Black Wealth-White Wealth, The Racial Wealth Gap, and Requiem for the American Dream. Find out more on their site, and maybe a get a few friends to pitch in with the funds and enjoy the films with your community as you can make them available to groups and so on. Everyone being an activist in their niche can help enliven our shared understanding of the times in which we live
. Hopefully we can choose a 'fierce love' ( a term of Ghandi's and others, even used by Allana Pratt who promotes being authentic if not a little extra passionate about life and healthy relationships.) Okay, off to a permaculture program in Brooklyn NY. Congratulations to all pursuing their dreams, work, play and social activism.
If you're in need of a nice Christmas tree, check out local vendors in your area such as on Myrtle and Vanderbilt in Brooklyn. Great selection and keeps costs down on the retail price $20-100 and always nice to tip the frosty lumberjacks doing their task in the wintry wonderland...too often on the very cold side for enjoyment but maybe a bigger "Heads Up' to the population of How to Survive Living Outdoors or making due with the Basics...Stay toasty 'til such occassion may arise.
Maybe enjoy a youtube on The Appalachian Trail. I saw some by Red Beard which included a surprise sighting of a rattlesnake coiled up on a pile of leaves. So a reminder whether out walking in nature or on country or city roads, watch out for the 'snakes' (or Trucks that suddenly start to back up when one is behind them...yes that happened recently to two nice older ladies strolling babies, but thankfully the screams from said ladies and others who saw their predicament got the dude at the wheel to Chill and Brake or is that Break!
Either way, we ALL NEED TO PAY ATTENTION (or Take Attention as a lad once said to a grown man friend who was helping him cross the street when reaching to hold the big friend's hand..that lad grew to be a cool young man, but sadly, not long after saying he didn't believe there was an afterlife, that there'd be a Big Nothing... did pass suddenly in an accident on water at night. With friends, but more importantly responders getting their quickly, no others were lost in an attempted rescue.) One minute to the next, with hardly anything 'going wrong' (such as a little one wandering out of view, but thankfully after a quick check found her hiding behind a group of strollers in a large room near not far from city street.).
Stay Alert and Aware, even when with friends (don't get distracted with talking or going too fast to cross a street..and Don't Go Close Behind Cars and Trucks (and even Check for Bike Lane Traffic if there's a chance for that.) Okay, so we get the basic idea. One other teachable episode is knowing that driveways (from churches, houses, and other places) that Cross Over Sidewalks mean The CARS should STOP before driving over the Sidewalks even if there is no signage.) Ideally "Go Slow, Children, Pedestrians, Sidewalk Traffic" could be put in place more commonly. Okay, so with that said, Pedestrians and Bicyclists on Sidewalks need to Watch out for the Driveway Traffic (and others on the sidewalk.). Let's share the wisdom and report more 'close calls' to others and maybe the news (even here) so we can all Help Each Other Know What to Do when Close Calls Arise. Some quick tips are Take a Picture of the Vehicle's License Plate, the Person and get Witness video if Possible.
Unsafe Backing, Endangerment and so on could Remind Everyone to TAKE ATTENTION when out in the Big World, and again, even around one's home. Clear hallways and rooms to allow for walking and preventing fall or fire hazards would be good topics to share and projects to work together on with cooperation from all parties over time in a reasonable manner. Storage and keeping items in boxes (plastic tubs with Bounce or other sheets can help with preventing critters.) Avoid moisture or having food stored with storage items. Okay, more on that Another Time...Happy Easy-Does-It Winter and New Year!!
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